Friday, March 07

News News

April 24, 2024

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Nyaya Yakaoma Iyi Dexter Mutongerwa Uyo Akauraya Musikana Uyu Nemutowo Unorwadza Zvaitika Ku America Nyaya Izere

Dexter Mutongerwa (31) a Zimbabwean social worker living in the US killed Angela Molden (18). Mutongerwa worked for the Arizona Department of Child Services and was assigned to her case to assist her after she ran away from home.             He proposed love to her and when she refused he stabbed her to death in his car.He was sentenced to 30 to life in jail. Watch in comments

April 24, 2024

Pashata Holyten Otuka Tinashe Mutarisi Urikuitisa Saintfloew Iwe Haa Pakaipa

Controversial rapper and songwriter Mukudzeyi Chitsama, popularly known as Holy Ten or Mujaya has come again and caused stir on social media. In a Facebbok post extracted by Holy Ten shared a message for Saint Floew’s manager , Tinashe Mutarisi.               Hanzi Tinashe Mutarisi haasikupa Saint Floew Chance yekumbo poster wo page rake amboita zvanoda .You’re trying too much to be Sainfloew iwewe wacho. You can tell kuti Saintfloew didn’t type this. This English ? Tawanda chaiye? Mukuhwanda nekuti management but deep down you know mukutotsvagawo mbiri.Cooler down This comes after Saint Floew pinned down an appreciation message for Jahprayzah in which he stated Massive shoutout kuna Mko

April 24, 2024

Zvakaoma Josemu Mutandavare Obuda Mubhawa Osbika Mota Yake Pasusina Ku Norton Ochema

DESIRE to quench one’s thirst with a beer resulted in a Norton man losing his car at a bar on Saturday evening. Provincial Acting Police Spokesperson, Assistant Inspector Aggary Jaure, told H-Metro that Josemu Mutandavare, 55, of CABS, Norton, parked his red Honda Fit, registration number AEL 9124, at Tafara Bar, at Ngoni Business Centre.           Ass Insp Jaure said Mutandavare closed all the windows and locked all doors as he went inside the bar to buy some drinks.             “He came back from the bar, after about 30 minutes, and found out that his motor vehicle was missing from where he parked it. “On Sunday, at around 9am, Mutandavare went back to the scene and the v

April 24, 2024

Pashata Ku Sungura Uku Mark Ngwazi Ochallenger Alevk Macheso

Khosa SUNGURA Artist of the Year, Mark Ngwazi, says he is not challenging superstar Alick Macheso by releasing his next album just three weeks after the legend releases his next album. Macheso is set to release his 13th album on June 7 at Alex Sports Club. Three weeks later, Ngwazi’s album  will be launched, on June 29, at Padziva Caravan Camp in Dzivaresekwa Extension.           Simon Mutambi will also release his album, titled Tiri Pamutsetse, on May 23. However, it is Ngwazi who has divided opinion with some critics saying he is daring Macheso by launching his album in the same month like the legend.             He, however, has cleared the air saying his move was healthy

April 24, 2024

Zvemu Zimbabwe Bodo Vanhu 4 Ava Vasungwa Nenyaya Yekushandisa Mwana Chirema Kupemha Mari Muzuva Ivo Cachichinjana Zvavo Kuenda Kumu Bvuri Zvinzwirewo

Sad News😓|| These people were found using this disabled kid for begging money in streets under the scorching sun☀️ and they were doing duties one after another.Someone managed to track their activity and exposed them. Imagine day rese ari muzuva ivo they rest kumumvuri when taking turns.    🎥 ZBC online news             What's wrong with those people how can they feed him... accuse our leaders who are stealing money with supposed to help this disable and blind..How can Zim be saved by God even our churches are doing dramas how can they fail to raise money to take care of this people.               Our minerals they must first take care of such people f

April 23, 2024

Chokwadi Clout Chasing Yakaoma Tooneswa Nzvonyo Na Tytie Vakuactor Havo Maponoo Zvakunyadzisa Zvionerewo

Love is sweet when you marry your best friend 😍❤️.... I don't normally comment but as woman... Self respect, integrity is worth more than million views and millions likes...I pray you love this girl as much as you claim to love love her...                   Inga maita basa mukoma nekutiratidza mamwe mastaira anga tisingaziveWakapedzisira kutamba or kutambirwa nemumwe wako riini?Capetown woyeeee Aiwa murikumiririrwa zvedi🤞                 Mari ine chitema ini hangu tino akandiitira zvakadai ndinouraya chii chakadai nhaimiShe needs a life mentor as a woman and proper guidance.Intergrity is worthier than million views.

April 22, 2024

Pakaipa Zvaitika Mundege FlySafair From Johannesburg To Capetown Vhiri zrendege Rakadonha Zvionerewo Mazimba Anga Arimo Achibowa

FlySafair on Sunday confirmed that one of its flights — FA212 from Johannesburg to Cape Town — was required to return to Johannesburg after its wheel was damaged during take-off. In a statement, the airline said the aircraft left OR Tambo International Airport on schedule at 11:32am but after take-off, ground staff at OR Tambo reported witnessing what appeared to be damage to one of the aircraft's back wheels.The crew were alerted to the observation and the decision was taken to return to Johannesburg,” said FlySafair spokesperson Kirby Gordon.                “Flight FA212 adjusted course back for Johannesburg and entered a holding pattern near Parys to burn off some fuel to lighten the aircraft

April 22, 2024

Olinda Chapel Oita Kunonzi Kunyadziswa Na Zodwa Hautore Munhu Video Or Picture Usina Kukumbira Aikakaa

Haazvide so you can't force someoneOlinda anonyanya... ngadzikame,hawutore munhu usina kumukumbira.                 Zodwa is respectfully loyal to Mai TT . She is a true sister's keeper and always has an open shoulder supporting her behind the scenes .

April 21, 2024

Hazvina Kupera Mushe Joel Ngoshi Okecha Hure Muma Avenues Harare Asiri Kuziva Murume Paazozviona Vakukwirana Parohwa Munhu Asina Kupfeka Zvionerewo Haya

Two men brought the Harare CBD to a standstill after arguing badly and later engaging in a fistfight One of the men had reportedly spent money intending to have a good time with a woman, but on getting there, he discovered that ‘she’ was a man He became angry and started fighting the other man, who was donning female clothes, including undergarments               A fight has ensued in the Harare Central Business District (CBD) between two men after one discovered that he had spent money on a man instead of a woman to have a cosy session.           “A fight ensued in the CBD of Harare after a man realised that the ‘lady’ he had paid for that s

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