Tuesday, March 25

Celebrity Fights News

September 09, 2020

It Will End In Tears Video Featuring Stunner, Tytan & Olinda

If the saying it will end in tears had people with would be Stunner , Tytan & Olinda. Dyonne Tanaka Stunner wife would make this list by for now  only her pillow knows the truth. These 3 celebrities are in the hall of fame of the IT WILL END IN TEARS Institute watch the video below

May 21, 2020

Olinda Chapel Tells DJ Mandla How Stunner Disrespected Her

Olinda Chapel did a Facebook Live and Added Top Celebrity DJ Mandla who is a friend of Stunner and told him how Stunner had disrespected Her. Olinda Ask DJ Mandla his thoughts about the situation. Watch The Video Below.

May 20, 2020

Olinda Chapel Tells Stunner Stop Kunyepa Unogara Uchindifonera

Olinda Chapel is speaking out after ex husband Stunner told his fans he does not  talk or does not play with Olinda.Stunner was very insulting to Olinda so she showed proof of calls from stunner some over 30 minutes long. Watch the video Below of Olinda telling the truth about her relationship with Stunner.

November 24, 2019

Gambakwe Achiwundura & Kufumura Edith Chibhamu Waivapo Panyaya Ya Dzamara

Looks like the fight between Pardon Gambakwe and Edith Chibhamu is just starting. After Edith was on the attack the last 2 days Gambakwe has posted a new video accusing Edith of being involved in the disappearance of Itsi Dzamara. what the video below 

August 28, 2019

BREAKING NEWS: Sekuru Freddy Released From Prison

Sekuru Freddy Chawatama the 76YR old who was arrested falsely for cattle rustling has been released from prison. The courts will review his case while he is on bail.

August 28, 2019

Apostle Chiwenga Vachuwundura MDC President Chamisa "Chamisa Akuda Kuitawo Pastor"

Outspoken Apostle Talent Chiwenga has blasted MDC leader Nelson Chamisa by calling him a liar who brings disgrace to the body of Christ. “Whose Pastor can Chamisa be? I wish he would just leave the name of God alone and focus on politics because he lies a lot. “He must stop playing with the name of God.”

August 23, 2019

Former Soccer Star Zvenyika Makonese Blasted By Ex Wife

Former Soccer Star Zvenyika Makonese Blasted By Ex Wife  on a Facebook Post.

October 29, 2018

Tatelicious Fired Back At Mai TT

Tatelicious is Zimbabwe's Queen of Entertainment there is no question about her power. Tatelicious is winning The Game Of Thrones. Tatelicious had Battled Zuva, Melly ,Masimba and she is battling Mai TT. This battle is epic and has involved many fans of both Tatelicious and Mai TT. Mai TT made Lives addressing Tatelicious which sho called Tatelicious names. Tatelicious respondedwith her own live.As fans we love our Celebrities and hope they solve thier issues. Watch the video Below.

October 29, 2018

Mai TT Fires Back At Tatelicious

Mai TT recently made a Facebook live Video where she replied to her continuining Social Media Battle with the Queen of Entertainment Tatelicious. Mai TT and Tatelicious have been going back and forth. The beef started when  Tatelicious Leaked Screenshots where Mai TT was taking about how she did not like Melly from MvengeMvenge.  Mai TT was upset that Tatelicious Leaked the screenshot and when on the attack. Mai TT went on Zuva Habane aka Zimbabwean Wendy Williams Show and ripped Tatelicious a new one. We love our Zimbabwean Celebrities and Hope they resolve thier issues.

October 19, 2018

Mukoma Masimba Challenges Tatelicious naAshumba Nezve 5 Mombe

October 18 2018 is a day many Zimbabwean Social Media fans will never forget. We had Wrestle Mania, Royal Rumble and Summer Slam in one day. Two of the most beloved characters in the Zimbabwean Social Media circles  battled and it was epic. Between thier 2 lives  on facebook they received over 50K  views and Maloves nema Likes I'm sure reached over 200K. Zimbolivenews does not make the news we just report the news already in the public domain. In our Opion there were no winners in this fight people were entertained that about it, but  we hope our beloved Celebrities will solve thier issues and coexist together. Justice is never served until Mukoma Masimba does a Go Deeper Session. Watch and comment below what you think of Mukoma Masimbas vi

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