Comedian Mai TT Getting Ready For Her 4 Wedding With Tinashe Maphosa, The couple has 1 wedding ceremonies in the USA where there were pictured in the maize field. In Zimbabwe they had a wedding where Mai TT & Tinashe wore blue, red and white wedding attire. After that they had a tradditional wedding where Tinashe Maphosa claims he paid $15000 USD roora and groceries. The couple is not done and is planning another wedding event in Marcch see posts from Mai TT below.
Hanzi nevanhu baba ava vanonyora maparagraph. Ayiwa ndozvavari mufunge did you even know he s an ordained Pastor
yes an ordained Pastor with a certificate. Ndakavabvunza kuti why would marry a controversial person like myself zvikanzi Mwari akanditi this is the rightful woman for you . Ah even pandakaenda kuAmerica the respect this man gets even at his work so ka
they say he introduced Prayer sessions muvarungu imomo ingori Mr Maphosa everywhere. That s why I even fail to call him nezita ravo.
Hanzi you belong in the house of God and you are a powerful vessel for the kingdom so I will panel beat you till you become straight .
I choose you over and over again VaMaphosa I don’t know why you came late but it’s ok it’s never too late as long as one is still alive.
I love you VaMaphosa and can’t wait to walk down the Aisle for you .
Veduweeee I was joking panhau yemapresents ekuvakisa pamuchato A friend of mine from Uk anga otobvunza kuti cement moda wich brand
please just bring cash henyu ndozvitengera ndega zvekuvakisa hantity. Ah inga vanhu munotoita zvinhu seriously chokwadi huyayi henyu nemapresents nemari kwete zvekuvakisa mungatoite confusion mumwe ouya neLafarge cement mumwe ouya neOsmosis zvinozobuda here
It was just a joke Huyayi henyu nema Usd acho.