Friday, March 07

News News

November 10, 2023

Blessing wekufumura Makandiwa Ouraiwa Afa Zvinorwadza Zvinotyisa Zvinoshamisa

Vana va papa makandiwa blessing ashaya ranga rasvikawo here? Shoko Kubva paakangofumura papa iii hazvina kuzomumirira bhoo RIP         Ko aka fumura papa kuti chii taurai zvizere munzvisa hasha 😡 mhani ane tsitsi ngati jooo answer munoIs this the same Blessing founder vekuOceane perfumes?...             What happened to her? shame           Ah shame! such a beautiful young lady. I remember her interview talking about how she was robbed & abuse by Makandiwa.Elder Tawa akatuka Prophet Makandiwa kt muri mbavha makandibira

November 10, 2023

Comic Pastor X Wife Mirirai Book Randirikunyora About Mubati Wevanhu Zvibharo I Regret Musi Wandakamuona Comic Pashata

Monalissa Ngoya pandatadza kudaira pasocial media ndepapi mmmm chi bunzaka ndichikudaire ka zvandiomera           zvacho ,asi urikutumwa here or u are trying kuita dzvene iye comic Pastor wacho ndiye anofanira kudaira kwete kuti ndashaya zve kudaira ,         Anyway handisati ndapedza just wait for the book thus coming soon mbuya ,u are a woman seni apa woda kuitasewaka signer marriage guaranteed where ever         you are apa varume can change anytime ,yes I was abused naye Comic pastor and yes I shared my story handina kupererwa ,,urikumbopiweiko nhaiwe

November 10, 2023

Munyalee Comic Pastor X Wife Oti Handirwadziwe Asi Habdisikuzorega Kuvataura Hutsinye Hwavo Onyora Nhoroondo Yekushungurudzwa Kwaakaita Zvinotyisa Zvinoshamisa

I learnt to wear heels and red lipstick and a beautiful shade of smile and be happy women to the public but deep down in my heart my soul was crying,culture said be strong ,church’s told me to pray and the world was jealous of me thinking I gay it all and           Called me the favoured amongst the daughters of man but deep down I was in fire 🔥 ,I was nursing my pains and wounds from beatings,I thought one day it would change and be happy again but it gets worse and realised I have wasted my full year to a coward and lost my           child to a bastard and gave in my life and heart to a heartless person,frankly I regret ever accepting the (I love you ) words from Comic Pastor (Prosper Ngomashi)

November 10, 2023

Diaspora Promoters Chii November Jahprayzer Bookeds 9 Shows Winky D Kushaiwa Kana One Zvobuda I Subortage

For this Month of November Jah Prayzah is booked to perform 9 Shows and the Only Show Winky D DiBigman is having is on the 2nd of December.           For Nov hakuna chinhu, kwakati Zii. What is really going on behind the Scenes. Winky D is loved zvekudero but paground haasi kuwanika why. Ingava Subotage here???           Promoters, chii chikuitika         Agara akadaro Winky, itori this year paaita mashows akawandisa. Winky anowanzoita mashows vanhu vane nzara nayeAnodiwa nani, munoti noise yepa social media ndokuda munhu here

November 10, 2023

Killer T X Yake Vaidanana Kubva 2015 Otaura Zvakadzika Dzika Zvemuimbi Uyu Zvakaoma Zvinoshamisa

Aah na Tanaka fire vakabva kure vese avo ,Tanaka achiri kugara kuS.A 2015 until now na Killer T vanoisanaPa map yefacebook ndini ndakakuisa           ndakakupushira maworks ako asi hautende I'm giving you two hours to give me back my page or else ndini ndakavhura page iro ukandibvisa           pahuadmin papage rangu inini wobva waudza vanhu kuti hausiriwe wakandiramba ndini ndakatokuramba🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Shuwa atori kabitter Ex            Ukarambana nemunhu why would you keep maScreenshots.Asikana nyengererai zvakanaka kana muchiri kuda munhu .Facebook haitongi nyaya.

November 10, 2023

Pashata Tanyara Nhengo Sikarudzi Yemuimbi Killert Yoburitswa Ne X Isiri Kufara

Wangu I have screenshots, secrets and photos that could break the internet asi handidi hangu kuzviburitsa ndingazonzi ndiri bitter ex saka ngatitambei tese zvakanaka nhaika           Those who are saying ndirikutsvaga mbiri inzwaika handina kana Basa nefame🤣🤣🤣 zvehondo dzepafacebook ndakazviita kare ndikasiyana nazvo ndimi murikufambisa               nyaya dzangu mega inini I posted pawall pangu handina kuuya ndiri ghost so zviri zvembiri handinei nayo zvekudaro inini handiuye neghost kana muchida Hondo ndikupai🤣🤣          

November 10, 2023

Killer T X Girlfriend Tanaka Oti Bdiye Akamuitisa Mbiri Kuti Vanhu Vazoziva Music Yake Otaura Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa

Pa map yefacebook ndini ndakakuisa ndakakupushira maworks ako asi hautende I'm giving you two hours to           give me back my page or else ndini ndakavhura page iro ukandibvisa pahuadmin papage rangu inini wobva waudza vanhu kuti hausiriwe wakandiramba ndini ndakatokuramba🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣      

November 10, 2023

Breaking News Jahprayzer Otaura Inini Na Baba Harare Mupfanha Wangu Hatina Problem Chero Ndisina Kuenda Kushow Yake Titori Tese Ku Australia

Jah Prayzah Azotaura Inini Na Baba Harare Mupfanha Wangu Hatina Problem Chero Ndisina Kuenda Kushow Yake Titori Tese Ku Australia 🤪🤪🤪😁Saka Muchaita Sei           What an amazing journey with u career Boys , may true love continue to bear fruites and blessings among u familiesI feel that you are the one who taught Gwizi boy how to sing but people will never know..your voice is more stronger and well coordinated and soulful than               Gwizi voice although truth is that Gwizi seems to have a talent in writing,arranging,producing and composing songs but pa voice BaHarare you have a much better soulful vocal range and singing voice jelous down..      

November 09, 2023


Madokero 5 aside Turf has taken a huge attraction in no time Was excited to see another a few but a lot of ex footballers who stay in and around the Madokero Estate Milton park Italian club. Was the place where you would have night soccer . Here the lighting is perfect security excellent ambience magnificent . Magnificent setup nice relaxed atmosphere we can’t wait for the refreshments shop which will open soon who said the west had no swag It is like a mini replica of Highland Park I challenge NASH PAINTS PIC N pay Adidas store Tv sales TEXAS WORLD REMIT only to mention a few leading brands to have a competitive league soon That I love is the welcoming family set up Hint got the Madokero Chairman watts to start a leaguealso will not mention the company Directors so

November 08, 2023

44 Year Old Malvin Paul Otemwa Nematombo Kusvika Afa Arikuchihure Muharare

A Bluffhill man was stoned to death at a sex workers’ haven at Corner Samora Machel Avenue and 8th Street.             Malvern Paul (44) is reported to have been stoned by six men at Gail Court when he tried to restrain one of them from assaulting his lover, Nomatter Makore (30).

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