Kwane hondo ye Syria 🇸🇾 Tete Mildred namai tt vavekungotukana hazvizoda pahukama Tete nemuzukuru.Mildret arikutukirwa mari yake zvakaoma hazvo Mai tt voti "which one is better a 37 year old woman dating a 50 year old man or a 60 year old Mildred dating a 30 year old man zvakaom." Admin yoti age us just a number chikuru redo.
Munyori oti "Koitawo baba ava juita selfish adii apa imwe award kuna WinkyD ?Haasikuona Ana Baba Harare varikugova avo maawardanomafii ma award 2 Unotoona kuti Amara akatomira nechekure achifinyama kutiza munhuwi we weti kutozezwa.
Today is the birthday of the best socialite in Zimbabwe Madam boss she is the benchmark of all socialites in Zimbabwe other socialite they all want to be like her to gang up form groups to destroy her because they were Jelousy Of her Endorsements but they failed dismally and today she us still standing very strong .Happy birthday Madam boss
Mabrijo youth leader wezanupf women in Dubai ,Uchatonzwa vavengi vavekiti hope mabrijo haachanoita zva Zuva Habane zvekunodyiswa duxvi na Edith chibhamu
Greatman music official is not happy nana papa maporofita enhema mukoma vakatsamwa he said "iye zvino kana mouya kuzondinamatira or anything chine chekuita nekunamata huya uchiti I'm pastor or evangelist nhingi not a prophet. Umm maporofita noo I repeat maprofita no". Chi chingadai chatsamwisa Greatman wedu
Tete Tilda Zim our Zim iron lady a wonderful woman of dignity oudzwa kuti dai chizororora asiirawo vechidiki basa Ana Lorain Guyo. Really it doesn't make sense we can't even compare Tete Tilda with any of these social lites Muzimbabwe Tete vedu vasiyei vacate basa.
Levels chii spot obvunzwa kozvazofamba seiko konotora mumwe musikana uchiroora ,uchisiya shashl wawakakwira nyikaa yese ichiona . Mushure mekunge aonekwa he is seen engaging 💍 😳 another woman levels chill spot moved on like wifi shashl akangosiiwa pachena.
Images of doctor Nandipha and Thabo Bester while they were detained in Tanzania 🇹🇿 They were deported and arrived at Lanseria Airport. These 2 fraudsters have been arrested chirikunetsa ndechekuti Doctor vangavanyanya kuda murume uyu zvakaita sei zvekusvika pakuzvipinzisa mujeri.
Gold Smuggling criminal Ewan Macmillan Said "do not trust any black people "This is a man who have made millions upon millions of dollars using his connection in Zanupf political leadership. Ewan said "don't invest with a black guy they will tell you lies " EWAN uses Zanupf links for his criminality but amotongoona kuti havatembeke matsotsi
Discredited Ambassador at Large Angel has been shown in an explosive clip from Aljeezera English him calling Zimbabwean first Lady Auxilia to move money using either the president plane or private charter flight. In the clip the first Lady ask him to speak to the president.The whole system is corrupt Zimbabwe loses gold worth 165million usd every months from Smuggling Tax and royalty revenue are lost resulting in hospitals without basic medication or hospital equipment. Saka Semazimbabweans tichaita sei???