Thomas chizhanje is 39 Lorraine Guyo ndewa 2000 she is 23 makore ekubhora zvawo kkkkkk .Age difference yavo is 26years but many people vari kuti vakafitana. Age difference ine basa here mumarriage?
Shema tv Ini baba Ruva vakundisvota chiiko vakuda kusungiswa manje hona zvavanoita ungati mwanana.musi uno airevera gogo nhema nyaya dzeephone.
Kettina said maiitt I want my money back .I need my money Tallyn Ndudzo x girlfriend ya Nox Guni oseka zvake achiti. "Adi imi sis ka maipesuka muchienda kwamaitt kana kumba manga musingachauye kuzodya sadza .I love you big sis anyway maitt tirikuda mari yedu.🤣🤣🤣🤣 shamwari yangu wadya here
Hakuna chinonzi friend Makura imii Mai Maketeni akuchera chikiti zvaaitaura about ketty. Ketty us not of my standard ndaitomutuma kumushandisa that's where she belong behind me I'm her boss kuda kana kusada.
Tokumbirawo kutsvagirwawo Anna Neria chibvumbi akapedxisira kuwanimwa pakati pechimoyo netete kumozambique achinzi akakwira Truck raienda kumalawi nanhasi haasati awanikwa kune vose vanokwsnisa kuziva kwaari tibatei 0027833330529
Cat Family yakuda futi go fund hanzi maitt vanotipa content saka caitirei gofund .But Ruzhinji rwajamuka juti we go funded her more than 10times. Hatingazvipedze Zvikwereti vanhu venyika dzese vazvitadza ngaazvionere money more than 140 000usd.
Nyari Olinda zvanzi na Ketile ketile sorry you are my friend handichakutuke uye hapana chawakanditadzira zvangu but ndainira neshanwari chete.
Uebert Angel cleared of all charges Following the recent broadcasting of Al Jazeera ‘gold mafia’ documentary which suggested that Ambassador Uebert Angel was complicit in the illegal trade of gold smuggling to Dubai and money laundering using state institutions, investigators have concluded that the information aired in the documentary was inaccurate and malicious. The investigation found that Ambassador Angel was Falsely Accused of Gold Smuggling and transnational organised crimes after it became apparent that no research was conducted or verified prior to the broadcast of the documentary and no evidence was ever found. It is infact suggested that this was an organised smear campaign against An ambassador who was executing his duties at the
Maitt vaida kuparadzanisa Ketina na Doreen zvaida kuita madam boss na fungai Mutisi kuda kuti vafanane naye asina anomurwira kana sibling 1 zvayo waanowirirana naye kwavo. Blood is thicker than water 💧
Mudiwa cookie Njuzu oti Kettina and Maitt misodxi yangu haywire zvenhando this is just the beginning of the the end manjuzu ekuma sewage manjenjee. Don't confuse my silence for weakness.