Friday, March 07

News News

December 15, 2023

Garry Mapanzure Wife Arikuchema Murume Wake Akafa 2months Ago Zvinorwadza Kuita Shirikadzi At 23

The Late Garry Mapanzure Wife Arikuchema Murume wake Akafa 2months Ago on her instagram page            Dzangove ndangariro       

December 15, 2023

Mallot Hwinza X Wife Odzvanya Masvada Mabhora Emurume Ndokumubiira 2000 Usd

Hwinza's girlfriend Malloti accused of stealing an iPhone 13 Pro Max and US$2000 from a man who supplies baby clothes and cosmetics.             Malloti squeezed the man's private parts in order to gain the phone and cash.          

December 15, 2023

Musikana waHwinza Maloti Akadzvanya Machende Emurume Akamubira Phone & US$2k

ZIMDANCEHALL chanter Hwinza’s girlfriend, Millicent Chimonyo, is accused of stealing an iPhone 13 Pro and US$2000 after squeezing the private parts of the owner of the phone and cash. She said she does not want a lawyer to represent her and will represent herself during the trial. Millicent appeared in court before magistrate, Dennis Mangosi, who remanded her in custody pending her bail application today. Allegations are that on November 16, Millicent called the complaint, Lecious Chipangura, and told him to bring baby clothes and cosmetics. He is in the business of selling clothes and cosmetics. Lecious is known to Millicent as someone who keeps cash on a regular basis. As soon as Lecious entered a Nissan Note, owned and driven by Millicent, who was in the company of two a

December 15, 2023

Zvinorwadza Izvi vane Hama Kukuwadzana Tsaona Yauraya vanhu 10

Vane hama kuwadzana 10people died on spot in a kombi accident pama robots epa Warren Park .           Plz tsvagai hama dzenyu koz vakawanda thr haven't been identified yet...zvinorwadza kurasikirwa nehama just lyk dat vakomana vema kombi plz tek caution..         Zvanyanya hatisi huku plz(kuwadzana yellow bus)driver atiza๐Ÿƒ‍โ™‚๏ธ

December 14, 2023

Zvinopisa Tsitsi Mavis Manyonga Ashaya Angopinda Mu Ireland After 2 Hours

TRAGEDY struck a Zimbabwean nurse based here when her mother collapsed, hours after arriving from Zimbabwe, and later died in hospital. The family intended to celebrate Christmas together and have a holiday vacation. Mavis Manyonga (57) arrived in Ireland on December 2 just after midday. She collapsed the following morning at 1145 hours and was put on a life support system, which was switched off five days later. Her grief-stricken daughter, Vallerie Munashe Makuwe, said: “I am just lost in this world at the moment, I don’t even know what is happening. My mom was in good health except for the hypertension she was diagnosed of years back.  “She was even managing her condition all these years.” Munashe said she had last seen her m

December 13, 2023

Terry Gee Music Arikurwara Lungs And Heart Anodawo Rubatsiro Kuti Aitwe Scan 250usd

Good People we need your help,tofanira kukurumidza kuita action Terry Gee Music Platform arikufanira kutorwa Scan ye Brain as soon as possible, Scan iri kuita $250 evey dollar counts..           I'm sure tokwanisa ku raiser something pano..Get in touch with me on 0782976880       Kana ikapfuura 250 it's okay because mukomana ane heart and lungs problem           Mari iyi ishoma chero hngu ndisina,lets share this post mangwana chaiye inoswera yakwanaPano hapasi kudiwa vanonzi vane mari parikudiwa vanhu vane Heart furustop

December 13, 2023

Zvinovhundutsa Silas Tanaka Mwana Wa Locadia And Tsvangirai Ngochani Akazvichinja Kuita Mukadzi

Tanaka Mwana Wa Locadia Tsvangirai Ngochani            Pama transgender ese eku zimbabwe uyu i number one… classy, elegance, smart ahhh anongodika soo.. iko kuchena kani …          Hameno kuti achiri kunzi Silas here or akachinja nezita.. Before and after photos below..

December 13, 2023

Mukadzi Ochema Zupco Accident Yaitika Muna Seke Road Mwana Wangu Ne Sister Vabuda Vari Vapenyu Ndaida Kutangira Pai

Tisati ! Tasimuka mudzirwendo,ngatipfugamei tinamate! Ma satanist! Arikupatroller ! Achiuraya         Seke Road Zupco Tsaona Veduwe December Uyu Ngatifambei Mushe mhepo Dzakasimuka Dzema Accide..nt๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ      

December 13, 2023

Zupco Yaita Tsaona Seke Road Vanhu Vakuvara Zvekuti zvatyairi Vemota Dai Mafamba Zvakanaka Mumugwagwa

A ZUPCO bus involved in an accident along Seke Road              Seke Road Accident irikukonzerwa Nekumhanya izvi zvasiya Vakawanda vakuwara                  

December 13, 2023

Zvinonyadzisa Holyten Oramba Kuitira Mwana Wake Na Chelsea Happy Birthday

Holyten Iramba Kuitira Mwana Wa Chelsea Happy BIRTHDAY        Happy birthday little one tipei size yebhutsu tigowana vanoti chengetawo patochembera.           Vana murambiwa ava ndivo vakazodzwa nemakomborero ava๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽ‰ ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰         Happy birthday Nana ....sezvo Baba vako varamba kukuita happy birthday ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ Holy Ten akapakwa nefoshoro na Kim ๐Ÿค—

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