When grace locates you, it takes you to your divine destination. It takes you where God wants you to be. There should be no day in your life where you do not ask God for grace in your academics, marriage and business etc. This is because it is by grace that we receive uncommon favour.Lord you are faithful always blessed is the hand giveth than the hand receive may good Lord increase your pocket in Jesus name let everyone say Amen
Farai D Hove | Senior government sources have confirmed a startling incident involving socialite Felistas Murata, popularly known as Mai Titi, who allegedly faced reprimand from state security agents for filming President Emmerson Mnangagwa in a compromising situation. The incident took place at Mnangagwa’s Kwekwe farm, a location notorious for previous allegations of infidelity involving the ZANU PF leader. “ The incident happened at Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Kwekwe farm last Sunday, a property that is now notorious to the ZANU PF leader over matters to do within infidelity,” a senior government source revealed. Video in ZimEye’s possession confirms this meeting. &nb
Don't forget you're in South Africa,,uko kunourairwa vanhu mari Mari dzaunotaura idzo kwauri uko kikki aka kidnapwa uchidziruza Munhu wemurume ita chipfuva Kubva wavhunduka marikudaro We all know a number of cases where millionaires killed for their own money 💰 Slow down broo they will come to I don't hate you but I'm helping , South Africa is not safe they kill 🤔Swazzy Suwai Zimbabweans not even South Africans they’re not safe announcing mari on social media kunge kushamisiraHana dzenyu hadzina kudzikama you should learn from what happened I remember muchiti we are not safe guys . Kunyangwe makachinja
Kablaz akà kapedza kurasa mbeu kakutsindira mwena unobuda neshwa kanoda kuendeswa kupozmo komboitwa mkadzi kozopiswa hakoSAD | Makadii hama fambisai shoko iri muma group ose ane aona munhu uyu tiziviseiwo auraya mkdzi muzola kuStrand Cape Town kuseni akatiza. Ichokwadi asi ava mai vauraiwa kumba kwemurume ivo vanga vane kwavo nevana vavo😢Ukapinda Mjolo with wrong foot . Mjolo will nyisa you big-time Condolences to the family and friendsApa zvimwe zvacho from zim kuuya kudanana kunoku ukangoziva kuti South Africa ibako rembavha nembondi dzirikutiza kuzimbabwe vazhinji vakauya ava vaksiya vauraya zvichida ipapa atori pa wanted ku zim main mainhiya vang
former girlfriend in 2016 CNN — A 2016 surveillance video obtained exclusively by CNN shows Sean “Diddy” Combs grab, shove, drag and kick his then-girlfriend Cassie Ventura during an altercation that matches allegations in a now-settled federal lawsuit filed by Ventura in November. The footage, compiled from multiple camera angles dated March 5, 2016, appears to show the rapper, producer and business mogul during an incident that, according to Ventura’s complaint, occurred at the now-closed InterContinental Hotel in Century City, Los Angeles. CNN verified the location based on publicly available photos of the former hotel’s interior. In th
Baba Na Mai MaNext Door Vakanakirwa Ne Bota Zvekuzvika Pakuzvitora Vachirovana Zviweti
Kamhondi aka kakapusa akomana 😢😢 Kano discussed kukuvadzisa or kuurayisa Munhu Pese using her own voice hudofo here kana kuti i desperation? Operation ngakadzokere mukati !! Again and again and again Hunidzanaiwa anobata zvine v11 Mira uwoneHee muri bitter kanotruster wrong pipolo Isu touya Nema audio 🤣🤣🤣Ndaona kadzokera mukati . Hakadzidze hako pafeya
🟥MUNHU WAMWARI>>>Pastor Obey Mukanhairi audza Madam Boss, mu comment section, kuti muvengi ari kuvarongera kuvaparadza haana nguva ari mupenyu arikufa manje manje. Namatirai nyika uko.Ndiyo 1st suspect iyoyi katauriro kacho ungati muurayi kana Mwari chaiye haatonge saiye.
THE man, who is reported to have been locked in his family’s house for more than 10 years, was yesterday interviewed by the police. Tinashe Tanyaniwa’s mother, Irene, was not at home when police officers recorded statements from him.They also recorded statements from Regina Zanga, who stays at the same house. It could not be established if Irene’s absence was related to the visit by the police for the interviews. Although police could not be reached for comment by the time of going to print, H-Metro established that police officers managed to interview Tinashe. Residents are hopeful Tinashe’s ordeal will come to an end. “At least, Tinashe will get
Bulawayo munyare vana mai vedu pamwe pacho ko vakafa ne stressRespect ma Senior citizens hamutsvaire futi dhorobha renyuAnenge atovaona vachipinda Mumukuru or Western union.Moda kutorera gogo mari yavakatumirwawo nevazukuru musadaro kanzuru plus town yacho ine tsina futi Mazimba brain 🧠ishoma u think anomusunga aona here you park and liv your car haangazive kuti munhu akaitasei asvika pamota now office ndiyo inofanira kuvasunungura variparoad Havana mhosva tikadzidza that tichafara senyika ngatisiyeyi kushorana tisingaziveVamwe vanhu vanoita lifetime munyama nezvinhu zvakadai. How would you feel dai vanga vari mai vako? Musaite moyo ye dark black imi nxaaaaaaSenyika hapana kwatiri