Wednesday, March 26

Street Kid Rawanikwa Rakafa Pa Africa Unity Square

So someone was born just to die like this? What is the meaning of life and what does it need from us for it to make sense?!! Some people have suffered from the day they were born till the day they die. No happiness just problems one after the other.You know what!!! You just described my life Haina kana meaning,been crying the whole day and after reading your commenting ndabva ndaita emotional worse





Shame the pain in that guy wearing the green jersey,Unenge usisina wekutamba nekunzwana naye ipapo sorry hako green boy. Oh that boy helping abatikana . Seems like he wanted to make sure his friend anyatsorara zvakanaka here mumota umo, Chikumboita vatadze kunogara kudzimba chii?imagine mwana wako jst like that,so painful


vakasangana vanotiza kumba kozoita vatori homeless kwekuenda hakuna. I once posted a girl kwa jackie ngarande tichitsvaga rubatsiro on her behalf aine mucheche akashama. Only kutozotsvagwa na dad vake vachitomutsvagawo. And there is a possibility kuti aichinjaniswa nezvigunduru rume paanenge astika paya. Zvakaoma kani. Akatombosungwa arimo mu harare gardens

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