Zvakaoma and it's sad chokwadi akadyirwa Mari yese yema donations veduwe KaReally Sad💔 | Kune vanhu vane moyo yakawoma pasi pano. Ruth akadyirwa mari yese yemaDonations. Vakavharwa more than US$11,000 naEcocash agent anonzi Tendai Chibwe (46 years old). Tendai was later arrested and he was released on US$100 bail.
JUST IN | Pane bhazi rinonzi Chikozho ranga richienda kuChatikobo, Murinye radonha and parikunzi pafa vanhu 15. The number is not yet confirmed. Please check on your relatives. A few weeks ago, muridzi weChikozho buses akazviuraya nepfuti because of financial problems and debts.August Ane mhepo ndatenda 😭😭
Pakaipa | Pane vashandi vanga vari busy kuita basa pamaOffices owned by Scott Sakupwanya vawana mabhonzo emunhu akachererwa pasi. The police are currently conducting an investigation. Dzakadai dzinongo tsikwa tsikwa zvotoperaKunongonzi mabhonzo ndaavigwe kuHeros ndemuhondo,zvotovharanaI'm surprised people actually believe this😂😂Rine manyanga hariputirwe
Pafeya Ndiani Akanaka Fifi Na Chloe Wamai MaketeniIni ndangoona umwe akapasa umwe asina hangu zvekunaka mwari ndiye anoziva It's sad when adults involve kids in such .They are at a stage where imperfections are used to buri them at school .Then a whole adult becomes a catalyst by bringing it to social media.They are both beautiful
FIVE people who were travelling to Mutare yesterday (Wednesday) night died after the vehicle they were travelling in was involved in a head-on collision with another vehicle which was coming from the opposite direction (Wednesday) night died after the vehicle they were travelling in was involved in a head-on collision with another vehicle which was coming from the opposite direction near Marondera. Although finer details of the accident were yet to be established as police were still to put together what exactly transpired, The Manica Post has established that two of the deceased persons – Jimmy and Sam – both belonged to the family of prominent businessman, Mr Sam Sithole, popularly known as Samboy. The three other
For those of y’all wondering why he looks different.. He has a condition called “Graves Disease “ which affects the heart, skeletal muscle, eyes, skin, bones an liver. It can cause severe swelling of the tissues around your eyes that leads to bulging eyes, swelling in the head and feet also. Currently there isn’t a cure for this condition but there’s treatment which can improve his life. Hope he gets the medical treatment he needs and it’s not a reason to make fun of it because we never know where and how we will end up in life. Everything don’t have to be joke especially someone’s health 🙏🏿I was never a Kartel fan… well hardcore dance hall. However, oonu come off a him back. H
Wejere ndewe jere ..kamuchacha chirimo mukati .chakasungwa nenyaya yedefault .Kusvika kapetwa !!!!. .Ndakamboku nyeperai here guys kana abuda anenge abuda but nyaya yeku defaulter haisi yekutamba nayo akararamo nezuro bvunzau Aaron nyamayaro hmetro
Vanhu Vatsa Kubvira Kuita Marasha Motor Yabvira Ruwa Road Mutare Highway .
RESHARE This is Jeremiah Bamu, the lawyer representing the three activists and a trade unionist who were dragged out of a plane last week and abducted by crooked Emmerson’s secret service thugs. One of the four, trade unionist Robison Chete, was tortured so severely that doctors said his kidneys might be permanently damaged. crookED Emmerson’s thugs have refused to let the trade unionist receive treatment. In fact, he hasn’t been treated since the torture, this is how evil and cruel crookED Emmerson is! It is important that the international community speaks out against these abuses and applies pressure on the Zimbabwean government to ensure the safety and releas
Former Harare City Chief Executive Officer and Mighty Warriors team manager Tafadzwa Bhasera has passed away. She died on Sunday morning at the age of 36, though the details surrounding her death are yet to be confirmed. Bhasera had worked with the women’s national team, the Mighty Warriors, for a year before being dismissed from her position in September 2021, ahead of the COSAFA Women’s Championship. Former Harare City Chief Executive Officer and Mighty Warriors team manager Tafadzwa Bhasera has passed away. She died on Sunday morning at the age of 36, though the details surrounding her death are yet to be confirmed. Bhasera had work