UNDER-SIEGE President Emmerson Mnangagwa will this Tuesday give his own response to a damning letter addressed to his administration by Catholic bishops over rights abuses and poor leadership under his rule. This was revealed in a tweet Monday by Information Ministry permanent secretary Nick Mangwana. "Regarding issues around the Pastoral Letter by the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops' Conference, President @edmnangagwa is going to issue a comprehensive statement tomorrow," Mangwana said. In a pastoral letter week, the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference said the country was suffering from "a multi-layered crisis", including economic collapse, deepening poverty, corruption and human rights abuses. The letter elicited a vitriolic response by government th
By Hon Job Wiwa Sikhala 31st July Movement Isolated from family, friends and acquaintances gave me time and opportunity to deeply reflect and search in heart and soul the meaning of everything that is happens in my life and many other Zimbabweans as well. I was six years old in 1980 and l remember vividly my Uncle, the youngest of my father’s siblings Samuel Sikhala who is my closest friend today of all my family members arguing with my father and my other Uncle. The argument was on why it was right to vote for PF ZAPU and Joshua Nkomo for a new independence leadership of our country as they prepared to go to Pamushana Mission to vote. They agreed all of them including their wives, to vote for PF ZAPU. Although young, l understood what they were conspiring to. As a young boy l wa
The Zimbabwe government has launched an astonishing attack on the country's Catholic bishops after the bishops issued a pastoral letter critical of the government. Zimbabwe’s minister of information publicity and broadcasting services, Monica Mutsvangwa lashed out at the bishops: “Ahead of the Catholic Sunday Mass, the government of Zimbabwe draws the attention of the national Catholic congregation shards of a pastoral letter issued under the misguided if evil minded leadership of the Archbishop of Harare,” she said. Mutsvangwa said the government vehemently object to and strongly condemns the pastoral letter of Archbishop Robert Ndlovu of Harare and his coterie of Catholics Bishop prelates. The Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference dispatched a stinging pastora
Opposition MDC-T leader Thokozani Khupe has claimed that there is no legitimacy crisis in Zimbabwe and told South African envoys to concentrate on allegations of human rights abuses. On Monday, South Africa’s Sydney Mufamadi and former National Assembly Speaker Baleka Mbete visited Zimbabwe to assess reports of human rights violations perpetrated by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s under-fire administration. MDC-T spokesperson Khaliphani Phugeni told the Daily News that the envoys had to address issues of human rights only adding that there was no legitimacy crisis in Zimbabwe. It is that contestation which has brought polarisation in the country and impending development. It is not fair to contest the President’s legitimacy when the courts ruled in his favour.
SOME MDC Alliance bigwigs are said to be making a determined push to have the coalition's firebrand deputy national chairperson, Job "Wiwa" Sikhala, expelled for his radical political activities and dogged opposition to Zanu-PF and its government. So bad is the situation said to have become for Sikhala, that sources told the Daily News last night, that some of his comrades were even hoping that authorities would manage to fish him out from his current hideout. Sikhala has been in hiding ever since authorities started cracking down on the leaders of last month's failed mass demonstrations. The sources who spoke to the Daily News said senior Alliance officials had recently discussed Sikhala's jettisoning in the party's standing committee (SC) WhatsApp group
The High Court has dismissing the urgent bid by 14 MDC Alliance legislators to stop MDC-T from replacing them in Parliament following their recall. The 14 contested the 2018 harmonised elections on the MDC Alliance ticket. But the courts early this year ruled that the MDC-A was an electoral bloc formed by seven political parties in August 2017 to contest the 2018 harmonised elections not a political party. Thus any of the seven parties has the legal right under the Constitution to recall and replace those it nominated on the combined bloc list. The MDC-T was the largest party in the MDC-A bloc, but the Supreme Court has found after a civil action that changes in the leadership since 2014 were not in accordance with the party’s own rules and nullified those changes, which
ZIMDANCEHALL icon Winky D has disclosed that the country’s music industry was in a serious crisis due to the impact of COVID-19, whose lockdown measures have included the prohibition of public gatherings. For the majority of musicians in Zimbabwe, public live shows have traditionally been their major income stream. Winky D’s manager Jonathan Banda said to a greater extent, Zimbabwe was lagging behind in terms of the requisite technology for ideal online shows. “The development model we all try to follow is what they call modernisation. If you are looking at Zimbabwe, we are trying to catch up, we are trying to replace whatever it is which is in place, the infrastructure technology, and we are still growing in terms of such things that’s the honest truth,&rd
Activist, Hopewell Chin’ono’s case has taken a new twist after the state made a fresh application seeking to remove his lawyer, Beatrice Mtetwa from representing him after she commented on a matter before the courts. According to the state, Mtetwa disrespected the court by posting matters which are before the court on her Facebook page. The state led by Whisper Mabhaudhi and Ms Tendai Shonhai read the comments which they alleged they were posted by Mtetwa in reference to Chin’ono’s case. The court then ordered Chin’ono who is the chief witness in the matter to take the witness stand where he tried to exonerate Mtetwa and claimed the Facebook account in question is a ghost one. He also claimed that the Facebook page actually belonged to a documentary
THIEVES broke into the United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) and stole seven plasma television sets that were mounted at the health facility’s private ward. The thieves are said to have taken advantage of the absence of security guards manning the premises to raid the ward. The theft is said to have occurred between Friday and Tuesday morning and was discovered on Tuesday by hospital authorities. The hospital has a few patients after UBH was designated as Covid-19 centre while non-Covid-19 patients were transferred to Mpilo Central Hospital. The move was done to minimise the risk of non-Covid-19 patients from contracting the virus if they mixed with positive ones. UBH is serving a temporal Covid-19 treatment centre while renovations at Thorngrove Infectious Disease Hospital, Ek
Tinashe Jonasi Zimbabweans Are Keyboard Warriors Spiritually & Imbwa Dzakafa Physically Muma Streets, watch the video below: