Friday, March 07

News News

February 14, 2024

Muharare Murikuitwa Zvinogara Zvakadaro Kudakwashe Hove Socialite Osungwa Mushure Mekunge Apedza Gore Rese Achidya Muma Restaurant Asingabhadhare Zvake

POPULAR Harare social media personality and ex-convict, Kudakwashe Hove,             who was jailed for consuming food worth $364 500 at a local restaurant without paying in January last year, is back in court on fresh fraud charges.             Kudakwashe Hove, who is known on social media as @iamhove, appeared before magistrate Dennis Mangosi, who remanded him in custody to today for bail ruling.

February 14, 2024

Andy Muridzo Mukadzi Wake Ndiye Azodhakwisa ZvinhunKuenda Akabhandeja Mbu..tu Konotora Mota Yaapiwa Na Wicknel Chivhayo Hazvina Kuzopera Mushe

Sir Wicknell has gifted artistes Diana Samkange, Mathias Mhere and Andy Muridzo with Mercedes Benz C Class vehicles.Congratulations to you my sister DIANA SAMKANGE , my brothers MATHIAS MHERE and ANDY MURIDZO...               While observing from afar your continued support and entertainment at our very special Mother Zimbabwe's ANGEL OF HOPE and many other charity events can not go unnoticed. Please go to EXQUISITE CARS DEALERSHIP and see Victor your 3 X Mercedes Benz C               CLASS are waiting for you. Where I Cole from we honour ladies first so please allow DIANA to choose first then the two superstars can choose respectively. Enjoy yourselves and GOD BLESS YO

February 14, 2024

Memory Wekutora Video murmur Wake Achibhaudha Hure Otora Rimwe Video Rehure Rakashama Achiriti Pinda Kenduru Zvionereyi

Memory Wekutora Video murmur Wake Achibhaudha Hure Otora Rimwe Video Rehure Rakashama Achiriti Pinda Kenduru. Nyaya yuanetsa mu Gweru iyi. Memory akabatwa nehasha zvekuti akati hure remurume wake rishame ndokuriti pfekedza kenduri muburi rake.           Nyaya iyi yakandwa kuTwitter zvakaoma veduwe , honai ma pikicha aya nyaya yacho inofanirwa kuenderwa kumapurisa. Asi vanhu havasikuziva kuti hure racho ndiyani. Nekunyara harina kuno repota nyaya yacho.           related story : Traditional leaders selling State land will be prosecuted and risk jail, the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development has warned as it combats the growing practice by village heads, espe

February 13, 2024

Zvakaoma Zviri Ku Instagram Video Vasikana Vachibonyooraa Kubata Zvi Beans Zvavo Na Mandla Hayaa Zvionerewo

Hameno video yekare or nyowani. Saka vasikana two vari pazasi vakaburitsa tubeans twavo vachizvibata.             Ketty wakabaisa hauna kuburitsa yako. Mandla aingodonha marute chete. Ndiri kupa 10 chete vasina kumboona videoHaaa old vids Essy wevhu kuIG aiita yese yese uyo                     Ndopakazodanza matinj ake ketina she actually did more worse than the others

February 12, 2024

Avo Ndomamonya Vakadzi Veku Hatcliffe Extension Vakapotsa Vauraya Mumwe Vave Kumapurisa Zvavo Vavharirwa Mukati Voburitsa Evidence Ye Video Yeuyo Achikwirwa Nemurume Wemunhu

FIVE women from Hatcliffe Extension who went viral on social media assaulting and undressing a woman whom they claimed was having an affair with the husband of their colleague, appeared in court over the weekend.           The accused persons Zelpa Kanduza, Natasha Kanduza, Fortunate Tembo and Olleyn Vinyungwi appeared before Harare magistrate Ms Evelyn Mashavakure charged with assault.           They were remanded in custody pending bail application today. Their accomplice Mitchel Kariwo was the first one to be apprehended by the police and was brought before magistrate Mr Dennis Mangosi on Friday.Prosecutor Ms Grace Mugocheke alleged that on February 1 at around 1pm and at stand number 4088 Hatcliffe Ex

February 11, 2024

Vanhu Vekuuraya AKA Douth African Music Vazobatwa Malurisa Otaura Aiwa Mhosva Hairove Zvayo

As the world commemorated the first anniversary of the death of rap star AKA on Saturday, police said they have made progress in his murder and that of his friend Tebello ‘Tibz’ Motsoane.           AKA and Tibz were gunned down in an apparent hit outside the popular Wish restaurant in Florida, Durban a year ago.             Police released a statement on Saturday saying the investigation in the murders was at an advanced stage with some suspects already identified.           “The SAPS acknowledges and understands that this is a very sensitive matter, and we would like to assure affected families and the public that in the past year we ha

February 11, 2024

Mashura Hakuzi Kudenha Here Kim Wa Holyten Oudza Chelsea Usarwadziwe Nemunhu Anodiwa Nemurume Wake Murikuda Afe Kaa Holyten Zvaakataura

Chelsea pora shaaaa usarwadziwe ๐ŸŒ๏ธ๐ŸŒ๏ธ๐ŸŒ๏ธ๐ŸŒ๏ธ๐ŸŒ๏ธAsi Chelsea amboti arwadziwa here ndopamune problem maZim mongo funga kuti ma baby mama vanorwadziwa maya munhu anenge atori busy kunakirwa nehu single mama asingato funge baby daddy newife yavo e           Asi Chelsea amboti arwadziwa here ndopamune problem maZim mongo funga kuti ma baby mama vanorwadziwa maya munhu anenge atori busy kunakirwa nehu single mama asingato funge baby daddy newife yavo e               Haana kana basa nazvo Chelsea uyo achatozoroorwawao agotoitao imba yakeIt's funny how people seem to hate vanhu vari happy muma marriages avo ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€           &

February 11, 2024

Zve Spar Bodo Voti Musikana Wekubonyora Haana Chaakatadza Asi Aka Buritsa Video Ndiye Akakanganisa Zita Re Company Achasungwa Zvake

SPAR employee has not been fired,boyfriend in hot soup for leaking the moreSpar says they agree with Women For Change’s sentiments that “She didn’t do anything wrong!           She definitely did not consent for the video to go onto social media! The person who leaked the video is the one who needs to be held accountable!           They further say they’ve offered her counselling and support during this difficult time.           # that’s what we needed it’s enough we can’t have men leaking our videos and get away with it ,when we like or love we trust so men must respect that

February 10, 2024

Zvinorwadza Nhai Mwari Musikana Uyu Nyasha Muvoni Afa Izvezvi Capetown SouthAfrica MHSRIP

Vana vadiki vari kupera veduwe vabereki ndivo vave kuviga vana๐Ÿ˜ญ           Pane musikana uyu anonzi Nyasha Muvoni N aita accident Pana Corner Strandfontein Road na 11 Avenue Eagle Park, Capetown SouthAfrica akafira             ipapo,anga achifamba arimuneimwe mota ndobva yarohwa kuside raanga Ari Kuma Past 4pm ,9 Feb 2024,kana pane vanomuziva.

February 10, 2024

Munhu Kungoita Mota MaNudzuuu Akutobuda Seh Calaz Zvavane Zvombo Zveku Russia Mubhurugwa Nhaimi Vaona Mazvionawo Sei Aiwa Mubhanditi Chaiye Akanwa Kambucha

  Mazvionawo Here Zvataitirwa Na Seh Calaz Mubhanditi Toona Zvombo Zve Iraq ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ถ            ka mufec anovapa ndokaziva kanobheja 100 kuti hapana ane mb#ro seyakeNdosaka Ane vana hobho ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ          

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