💔😒Vazoradzikwa nhasi kumusha kwavo kwaMutoko mai Aisha mushure mekunge vakabatwa nechikomba Joni last month and a weeks ago vakamboshungurudzwa vakazofunga kuzviuraya 💔ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜BaAyisha kunyangwe wahurirwa wafarisa uchiivarova pamberi peshawari dzako wakaposter hanty ezvino vazviuraya wasara wega .zvimwe zvinoda kutauriranaI always tell zim men that we need to accept the fate. In our modern lives we used to know kut our parents sort out things with violence in marriages and they were taught to be harsh wen anything goes against men's will . This Era if she doesn't love love please let her be let her go and you will find love and someone who respects you . Izvi zvekurovana
Holy Ten Otaura Zvekutemwa Futi pa Stage nemabhodhoro Ku Gweru , Haa Pakaipa , Ndakamamiswa boyizi, Nemabhodhoro kunge Zvishavane , Holy Ten Otaura Zvekutemwa Futi pa Stage nemabhodhoro Ku Gweru , Haa Pakaipa , Ndakamamiswa boyizi, Nemabhodhoro kunge Zvishavane , uyu akutoda ndimugeze munyama huya ku kirawa mufanami tipedze masportsNgaanyatsotemeseswa bharanz uyo
Tom Jones Oita Kusaizwa Na Ketina Une Nzara Duzvi Saka Une Jende 1 Rine mvura Mukati Ndakudzosa Guru Chiweti Guru chamaitt Futi Vanhu Vaone Tom Jones Oita Kusaizwa Na Ketina Une Nzara Duzvi Saka Une Jende 1 Rine mvura Mukati Ndakudzosa Guru Choweti chamaitt Futi Vanhu Vaone
Mambuya akapera panonaka akuda kufira pa social media mayifunga kuti mbutu inobhadhara zvino tipeyika zvamakashanda zvamune kumeso kunge manyoka ararohwa nemutsvayiro iwe Ketty ziva zvekusvirwa ne boyfriend yamai urege kuda kutita kunge wakagadzira Facebook yeZimbabwe irowo remhino dzinopinda mbolisi rinenge richingoteverera kunge jende rakasvava nechando gara pasi Patricia Jack unofunga kubuditsa mazamu panze uchanyengwa nani iwe wakawora kare .. I'm coming for you mese muri 2 munofunga ndobhadharirwa Facebook ini mhata dzine mapundu anobuda hurwa👊kana mada mawoko I'm ready futiMusafunga kuti ndokutyayi mbuya imi basa kuswera pafacebook muchitsvaka mari yekachasu magaro akarohwa nemupinyi webhewura iwe
Kana pane akabirwa zvinhu muroad between Boka and Masteps pane vakomana vanovhura maboot vabatwa and zvinhu hobho zvawanikwa. Go kwaBoka papolice munotarisa zvinhu zvenyu Recovered stolen property at ZRP SOUTHLEA PARK. Tell your relatives who fell victim at Masteps Hopley to come and identifyHaaa vanhu ava vakaona havasi kuHarare kwega ini nditoriwo nezvangu zvakadzikiswa kuZaka Last year ndakashaya bag rangu raive nehembe nebhutsu after 3 weeks sisi vangu vakazofonerwa kuti huyai mutore zvinhu zvenyu asi kana muchizvida kuyai makabata 10 dollars mangwana acho ndakaenda kunotora achivhura kudai manga makazara zvinhu hobho zvevanhu zvaitove zvakanyorwa mazita &nbs
Uyu anonzi Blessing SHUMBA PAFACEBOOK akasiya auraya murume kucapetown kwakutiza (13-04-24)Makadiii zvenyu hamadzadiwa ini ndinonzi Davison Mutukwa ndauyawo nenyaya yangu ndine munin'ina wangu anonzi Moses Mutukwa akapiswawo nemukadzi waaigarisana naye mukadzi wacho anonzi Moreblessing Nyakunu.... Akapiswa akaita 2wk ari muchipatara akazoshaika musi wa10 kuma 6pm..... Wakapisirwa nyaya yemari...Real name anonzi moreblessing nyAkuni frm mabiya mutare on facebook anonzi blessing shumba Moreblessing wacho Akabva atiza nemari yese yaiwe mumba.... Hamadzadiwa tikukumbirawo rubatsiro kune wanokwanisa nekuti Moses akanga asina policy..... Kuti body ibve kucape town kusvika kwaari kuzoda kuvigirwa kumabiya Bvirindi vil
Famous Private Investigator “Detective Kedha” Faces Kidnapping Charges Renowned private investigator Tafadzwa Chidawa, popularly known as Detective Kedha, has once again found himself in the midst of controversy as he faces charges of kidnapping. Tafadzwa Chidawa and his alleged accomplices reportedly abducted a woman on the 5th of March and later dumped her at Harare Central Police Station. Undercover Investigation Takes a Dark Turn The court proceedings, which took place yesterday, shed light on the events leading up to the alleged kidnapping. According to the court records seen by H-Metro, Detective Kedha was conducting an investigation on behalf of the woman’s boyfriend. On that fate
Iriwo iri rinobhadharwa kutsvaga nyaya dzisinei naro kuno takatokuona usina kupfeka ako manudzu tinawo zibereImbwa iyi uchamama cheteMaritah Mariah chakabonyoreswa 50 pounds🤣🤣🤣🤣 Maritah Mariah chakabonyoreswa 50 pounds🤣🤣🤣🤣Iriwo iri rinobhadharwa kutsvaga nyaya dzisinei naro kuno takatokuona usina kupfeka ako manudzu tinawo zibereImbwa iyi uchamama chete
Four vehicles coll!de at intersection In Harare A road traff!c @ccident took place in early hours of today as Trip Trans bus, truck, lorry and Mazda Demio were involved in a coll!sion. Several vehicles including a Trip Trans bus, a truck, a lorry, and a Mazda Demio were involved in a coll!sion at Kelvin Corner intersection in Harare this morning. No fatalities were reported but the !njured individuals were transported to the hospital. The devastating that unfolded in Harare had far reaching consequences with all of the four vehicles sustaining significant dam@ge. Sh0cking reports have emerged from the acc!dent scene
The Sallah holiday on Tuesday stalled judgment by a Federal High Court Lagos against convicted cross dresser, Idris Okuneye, popularly known as Bobrisky, over naira abuse. Bobrisky was prosecuted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for naira abuse. The court had convicted him on April 5, following his guilty plea to a criminal charge brought against him by the commission.The court, however, reserved sentence until April 9 (today) but ordered that Bobrisky be remanded in custody of the EFCC pending the sentence. However, the case could no longer proceed following the declaration of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as public holidays by