Sunday, March 09

Mapipi Mashura ezviratidzo Zvirikuitika Kwa Makandiwa

Zimbabwe a small country will lot of surprises and sufferingMashiripiti awa kudenga kunonotsva mbiti 🤞Haaaa kana Mwari abhoo nemaZimba. So some1 atomukira 1st time to go there to see these childish things. Ummm God






help me to never starve in my life...🤣😂Aizve so it's really happening imiweFair match , rapenengurwa trouse hamuna chinhu muhomwe , who will walk away with US1 million Ririko Kwa Makandiwa 🇿🇼🇿🇼🙌🙌🤪🤣🤣🤣Todawo mazita en'anga nemaporofita acho

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