Hi sis ini don't hide , ndina baba vakandi rape when l was 15 ndichishanda mushop mavo vaingouya vachirara neni pavadira kusvika pamuviri and vaiti ukazvitaura ini ndiri mukuru we mapurisa unoenda kujeri nehudiki plus kutya ndaisa taura, so pandakabata pamuviri ndakavaudza ndine 15yrs vakabva vandidzinga nehudiki ndakangoenda ndikachengeta mwana ndega ndisina wandaudza then 2023 l started sharing my story and l was advised kuti no one is above the law enda kumaintanance...baba ava ndakavatsvaga pafacebook vanonzi Gladman Chiparaushe vakati huya nemwana mutown vakamuona vakati saka waitorevesa kuti waita nhumbu yangu so patakaparadzana vakazofona vakati mwana haasi wangu maonero andamuita,fast forward ndakatsvaga kwavaishandira kun
Hie please post this for me im bitter this guy akanditsotsa $4000 yangu last year in June that I had saved to buy ka small car kangu , imagine kunditi mwana wangu afa I need assistance for funeral arrangements im waiting for a payment. ndiye zii gaya kusvirwa nyoro woti kubirwa mari he blocked me on all platforms.so im seeing akaita imwe nyaya last week zvakaoma please tag him anonz David Kasuso.ishuwa he drives stolen cars from SA.a lot of women are crying kuma groups uko uchanzwa hako those below are he’s pictures .
Mushamarari Akaita Mukurumbira OshayikaBeyond educational programming, Esau charmed listeners with her culinary-themed show, In the Kitchen with Jane, a popular feature on RBC African Service. At independence in 1980, Esau became a presenter on ZBC Radio One (now Classic 263). She worked alongside broadcasting icons, including James Robinson, Tony Gaynor, and John Masuku. She later took on leadership roles, including doubling as Controller of Radio Services and Head of Radio One in the mid-1990s. Esau’s contributions extended beyond broadcasting. She trained as a police officer, performing part-time policing duties, including helping establish the
love High Court Reserves Judgment on Magaya’s ZIFA Presidential Bid Challenge By Court Correspondent | ZimEye | Harare – High Court judge Justice Tawanda Chitapi has reserved his judgment until Thursday in the case involving Walter Magaya, the founder of Yadah Stars, who is contesting his disqualification from running for the Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) presidency.Magaya’s disqualification stems from his failure to produce an O-Level certificate or its equivalent, as required by the ZIFA constitution. Represented by renowned lawyer Thabani Mpofu, Magaya argues that the disqualification is unjustified. Arguments from Magaya’s Legal Team Mpofu described the matter as “simple and str
Zimbabwe mourns the passing of Cde Chenhamo Chimutengwende, former Cabinet Minister and respected ZANU PF National Consultative Assembly member, who has died at 81.
ABOUT five women, who claim they were deceived into making contributions towards a savings club, widely known as mukando, are crying foul after being duped of US$30 000. They are part of group of 23 women. taitamba mukando, tichikweretesana. “I had my own debt, just like any other member which I failed to pay on the agreed day of sharing the money. “I acknowledged that I was going to pay them their money and we have some affidavits which I signed, which indicate that ndinenge ndichivapa mari on such dates. “Vamwe end of this month, March, April zvichidaro. “Kune vamwe vane chikwereti vasiri inini, vanopihwawo neivavo, inini ndine vandakasainira navo. “We agreed after ndavaudza kut
My heart bleeds for the Zim Film industry.. moyo wangu unorwadza chaizvo kuti vaka gadzira rwendo vazhinji vakararama vakafa vari ana Razaro ..varimo vacho now vazhinji havana chavainacho.. it's only passion that saves them in the industry.. Mwari ngaatibatsire tisaitewo toil in vain đź’”support their veteran artists. “Zimbabwe yedu ngaitarisewo vanhu vakaita seivava, vane nguva vari muindustry. “ If you look at the artists you feel sorry for them. Look at how Gringo died, it’s not good to celebrate these artists when they are dead. “It’s better to assist each other munhu achiri mupenyu. People have to celebrate their stars while they are still alive. “We should not
A $5,000 Scandal Unfolds In a shocking revelation, celebrated rapper Ti Gonzi has accused Prophet Walter Magaya, the leader of Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries, of selling him a stolen car under highly questionable circumstances. The vehicle, a luxury sedan, was allegedly sold to Ti Gonzi for $5,000, only to be confiscated by authorities when the rapper attempted to register it and obtain proper documentation. The incident, which has left Ti Gonzi both financially and emotionally drained, has sent shockwaves across Zimbabwe’s entertainment and religious sectors. According to Ti Gonzi, he purchased the car in good faith, trusting Magaya’s reputation as a prominent man of God. However, his efforts to legitimize ownership of the car were thwarted when authorities
Aaaa shame vaChiwara may your soul rest im peace legend our own long time teacherMakarwa hondo hombe Whesa zororayi murugare.MDSRIEP.FAMBAYI ZVAKANAKA BABA.Haaaaaaar pakaipa chiwara was a Gud teacher ndaimu farira mdhara uyooooo Ukasangana naye mu twn wabhanga aiku ziva negotsi
Budiriro Man Beaten To Death After Trying To Have An Early Morning Rough Lula Lula Session With A Young Woman A mob in Harare’s Budiriro high-density suburb beat a man to death early Friday morning. The man, only identified as Honest, was accused of attempting to break into the home of a 19-year-old woman to have an early morning lula lula session with her. Police confirmed the incident on Sunday, launching an investigation into the murder. The attack took place around 3 AM along Gunguwo Street, Budiriro. According to police reports, Honest was apprehended by a mob after allegedly entering the woman’s home and grabbing her while she slept in her bedroom. The mob’s res