Friday, March 28

Opinions News

August 31, 2019

A Message To Zimbabweans In South Africa

To my fellow countrymen,  This communique is specifically to  you, Zimbabwean men and  women; who are currently in harm's way in South Africa because of the xenophobia attacks.  Firstly, I would like to remind you that for the most part, the majority of South Africans are a loving, accommodating people. They have embraced you as their own. Selflessly,  they are on your side; putting their precious lives in harm's way, fighting this barbarism: xenophobia.  You must always be thankful for their unquestionable support during this dark hour.Be that as it may, there are a few bad apples; whose actions are diluting the purity of many good South Africans. I know you my people.I can proudly say you are a unique people. Intellectually,  you are mi

August 23, 2019

Arrest Poverty, Shortages & Inflation Leave Us Alone

Another day, another arbitrary arrest and another wilful violation of the rule of law and a blatant disrespect of fundamental rights. The regime has arrested my boss Hon Amos Chibaya, the firebrand Organizing Secretary of the biggest civilian political party in Zimbabwe on flimsy charges of failing to stop a demonstration. This again is a clear indication of how clueless the regime has become. Like a headless chicken the Junta is running towards everywhere while going nowhere. Instead of arresting the skyrocketing inflation, acute shortages and poverty for the betterment and development of the nation, they are more concerned with suppression and oppression, all in a bid to extinguish and destroy the MDC. It is quite alarming that while the PEOPLE have genuine, legitimate and pressing

August 22, 2019

Zimbabwe & Its Political Leaders

“ I have more respect for a man who let’s me know where he stands , even if he is wrong, than the one who comes up as an angel and he is nothing but a devil “ Malcolm X Masquerading as a curator for justice, prosperity under the mantra “ we are open for business, in a new dispensation “, Dambudzo Mnangagwa is misleading the masses . I have more respect for Robert Mugabe , even though I vehemently disagreed with him . At least , in him , what you saw is what you got . It intellectually behooves me , to contextualize and historicize, in a chronological order, the biography of Dambudzo, to substantiate my submission. Lest we forget: In 1990 , he was the Minister of State Security . A heinous , barbaric crime against the people of Matebeleland was orch

August 22, 2019

Dambudzo Mnangagwa Is Evil

Evidently, it’s now undeniably clear that Dambudzo Mnangagwa is evil. His callousness is not debatable. What is more disturbingly outrageous is the unprecedented mockery, satire , caricature being leveled on Gonyeti, by Pfeerists , in the streets of social media. The poor woman was kidnaped and brutally assaulted , and then dumped . No sane being , regardless of political affiliation should endorse such an evil act . Myopically , they are celebrating, in the streets of social media. Some are saying , it’s “ poetic justice” , and “ she got what she deserved “. Such imbeciles are a personification of nincompoopery and tomfoolery. Not only is such a disposition barbaric, it is also unforgivable and unforgettable. This is just sad !

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