Friday, March 28

Zimbabwe & Its Political Leaders

“ I have more respect for a man who let’s me know where he stands , even if he is wrong, than the one who comes up as an angel and he is nothing but a devil “ Malcolm X

Masquerading as a curator for justice, prosperity under the mantra “ we are open for business, in a new dispensation “, Dambudzo Mnangagwa is misleading the masses . I have more respect for Robert Mugabe , even though I vehemently disagreed with him . At least , in him , what you saw is what you got .

It intellectually behooves me , to contextualize and historicize, in a chronological order, the biography of Dambudzo, to substantiate my submission.

Lest we forget:

In 1990 , he was the Minister of State Security . A heinous , barbaric crime against the people of Matebeleland was orchestrated. Gukurahundi!

In 2000, he was the speaker of Parliament. We all remember the unorganized land grabs that occurred. Many progressive, civilized citizenry endorse land redistribution but not the methodology that was implemented.

In 2005, the devil himself was Minister of Housing . The Republic is still bleeding from Murambatsvina. Satanically, he orchestrated operation Murambatsvina . Consequently, many were left homeless .

In 2008, the devil himself was the Minister of Defense. We all recall the inexhaustible election violence that erupted.

In 2014, the devil himself was the Vice President of the Republic. Itai Dzamara , who constitutionally verbalized his disapproval of the administration went missing .

In 2018, the devil himself had crowned himself the President. Innocent civilians, demonstrating were barbarically butchered , in the streets of Harare. The occurrence repeated this year . Police mercilessly beat up even women and elderly, for peaceful demonstrating .

Now Chief Ndiweni has been unconstitutionally arrested for 18 months . Today , we woke up to the sad news that Gonyeti was kidnaped , brutally beaten and left in the middle of nowhere.

Clearly and symbolically , Dambudzo Mnangagwa is living up to his name . He has mastered the art of urinating on the constitution and the people of Zimbabwe. The man is satanic to the core . Fascism personified!

Dambudzo Mnangagwa is both cancerous and pathological to our civilization and democracy. He is allergic to justice ! The onus is on us , as a generation; to remove the devil himself under any means necessary or unnecessary.

A luta Continua!

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