Thursday, March 20

Mary Chiwenga Nhai Tenzi Kovana Vake Auxillia Mnangagwa CIO

Why not simply cease your services without inflicting additional harm on Marry Chiwenga?


Dear Ms. Beatrice Mtetwa,


I am forced to go public since you have not returned my calls since Saturday. I would not have taken this step otherwise, as I respect every lawyer. Yet, I am deeply disturbed to see Marry Chiwenga reduced to tears after you called her family and threatened to disconnect your legal services—simply because she answered my call after the Government/Ruling Party Spokesman exploited her name for financial gain. Why not simply cease your services without inflicting additional harm on her? Why demand that she behave more appropriately than trained CIO operatives like Auxillia Mnangagwa and others with whom I have spoken at length?






I must stress that I am not in competition with your services. Marry benefits from my free service, which draws on over 25 years of experience in risk management across various insurance companies. In light of this, why did you not candidly inform her that the courts are powerless in her case? Many lawyers utilize alternative strategies and methods to assist victims like her. Withholding these valuable options from a mother of five is both unacceptable and unjust.







Furthermore, why is it that you expect Marry to submit to your authority, and by extension to her oppressors, as a condition to earn your so-called “Permanent Stay of Prosecution” award? Who do you truly serve? Your disparate treatment of clients is perplexing. Yes Marry met me via phone, and your friend Hopewell went on to meet the Minister of Defence to corrupt/alter his decision making for Mnangagwa’s scheme of discrediting the VP. How come you never threatened Hopewell Chin’ono with disconnection when he approached the Minister of Defence to advise him that Marry and other civil society victims be hunted down to avoid tension? Is this your version of fairness? 


The video of Marry in tears after your threat to disconnect services continues to haunt me. Had it not been for my intervention, how would the public have learned that Auxillia is now pressuring Marry to falsely accuse Constantino?





For six years you have charged exorbitant fees while hiding critical information from Marry—information that reveals her struggle as little more than a pawn in a power game between Mnangagwa and Chiwenga. When this all began, I reached out to those who hold real power: I contacted Chiwenga himself; then Mnangagwa—who now controls the very courts for which you charge Marry; followed by his wife, the First Lady Auxillia; and most recently, I spoke with Chris Mutsvangwa after his international outburst. Did you even consider calling Mutsvangwa when he resorted to using your client’s name to further his unscrupulous power play against Chiwenga? Why continue deceiving Marry by assuring her that she can win in courts that have been blatantly controlled for six years, all while facilitating baseless accusations—such as suggesting that Chiwenga decapitated his wife?





How can you justify charging Marry USD 100,000 for services that ultimately yield nothing while, over six years, you have been depleting her resources and compromising her well-being? Moreover, why did you withhold my video of Nyarai Bwanya—the very video captured after she lied under oath in an attempt to incriminate Marry? Does this not suggest that you are complicit with Mnangagwa, using Marry for financial gain?





Since you have declared your intention to disconnect your services, I urge you to do so today. I remain steadfast in supporting Marry’s plight and will rally Zimbabweans to assist her from this moment forward.


Hamba kahle!


Simba Chikanza  

19 March 2025

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