Friday, March 28

Celebs News

May 24, 2024

Felistas Otuka Joey Nyikadzino Uri Hure Risina Mari Mazitako Anemaburi

Felistas Otuka Joey Nyikadzino Uri Hure Risina Mari Mazitako Anemaburi         Contribution yangu chaiyo yawakaita wakadya mariyese ukanyeba kuti you are paying people on my behalf taking advantage of vanhu vakakupa mari thinking you are helping.       Now you are threatening me unofunga zvawakaita mukurumbira wechihure unofunga unotyisa inini. Huya kushop kwangu kana urihwaga rehondo uone kuti zvinokuipira seyi. Wakajaidzwa ndakunyararira nguva yareba. Kushata kunge murume anemimba.

May 23, 2024

Nyika Yakaomera Vanhu Vese Muimbi WeSungura First Farai Ochemera Aqua Kuna Sir Wicknell Mumwe Achapinyurisa Mudhidhi

A source close to the singer said the musician well-known for imitating the late sungura maestro Tongai Moyo is finding it tough in the music industry. “He likes music, but it appears the odds are heavily stacked against him because he is struggling to hold shows,” said the source. “I don’t think his group is still around.”       First Farai’s last album, Fantastic Farai Ubwada was released in 2013, since thEn the singer took a sabbatical, claiming that live shows were not paying due to the economic situation in the country.However, on Thursday he rubbished the reports insisting that he was working on a new project. “I am in the studio working on my forthcoming album. I wanted to release the album this month, but I ha

May 23, 2024

Breaking News: Nyaya Yema Nyudzu A FiFi Yanzi Postponed To June 5 Nekuti Court Haina Report YeEvidence Yema Picture Kana Message Ephone Ya Emir & FiFi

ZN TV NEWS :The court trial of Edwin Mhaka (19), who is accused of leaking Felisha Muzeya's n*de pictures, failed to kick off at the Harare Magistrates Court yesterday as the State is still to receive a cyber report on the matter.         Muzeya (aka Fifi), whose pictures have gone viral on social media, is the daughter to socialite Mai TT (Felistas Murata). Prosecutor Ms Nomsa Kangara sought a trial postponement saying there was a need for a cyber report relating to Muzeya’s phone, which was handed over to police on May 2, 2024.           Mhaka’s lawyer, Mr Admire Rubaya, expressed displeasure at the delay saying he intended to file an application for Mhaka’s removal from rem

May 22, 2024

Khama Billiat Kubvira Paakatanga Kutambira Yadah FC Haachagone Kubhadhara Zvikwereti Mansion Yake Yeku Midrand South Africa Yakutorwa NeBank

Yadah FC’s marquee signing Khama Billiat is reportedly at risk of losing his house located in Midrand in Johannesburg, South Africa (SA). Reports by City Press from SA, suggest Billiat is being dragged to court by a creditor who claims the superstar has allegedly “failed to keep up with the payment of the bond agreement”.         Wrote the City Press: “An entity known as Emerging Markets Home Loans applied to the Pretoria High Court for an eviction order against five occupants, who have been staying in the house since Billiat’s departure to join Zimbabwean outfit Yadah FC.“The financial institution filed a notice of motion on 5 May, citing that the occupants were unlawfully living at the premises, even though the house

May 22, 2024

Mapurisa Ekanzuru Ouraya Mukadzi Vendor Anga Achitengesa Mutown Video Racho Ma1 Zvaitika Izvezvii

Mapurisa Ekanzuru Ouraya Mukadzi Vendor Anga Achitengesa Mutown Video Racho Ma1 Zvaitika Izvezvii.          

May 19, 2024

Chirikuitika Kuma Sowe Ku Cape Town Madzimai Magonde Video Vachituda Kunge mvura Irikubuda Mu Horsepipe

Chii Chirikuitika Kuma Sowe Ku Cape Town Madzimai Magonde Video  Vachituda Kunge  mvura Irikubuda Mu Horsepipe           Madzimai MaNcube B Magonde KaNkhulumo. Pa Face book varipo futi. Cape Town yazviita haa Mapositori arikutora mukombe. Madzimai kutunda 2 full cups kunge tape ikurasa mvura   Chii Chirikuitika Kuma Sowe Ku Cape Town Madzimai Magonde Video  Vachituda Kunge  mvura Irikubuda Mu Horsepipe       Madzimai MaNcube B Magonde KaNkhulumo. Pa Face book varipo futi. Cape Town yazviita haa Mapositori arikutora mukombe. Madzimai kutunda 2 full cups kunge tape ikurasa mvura        

May 18, 2024

Nazira Ku Capetown Uko WeMusvo Ku Instagram Hoyooo Akundwa Hake Namadzimai Otaura

Nazira Ku Capetown Uko WeMusvo Ku Instagram  Hoyooo Akundwa Hake Namadzimai Otaura          

May 18, 2024

Olinda Oti Zvinondirwadza Tytan Akataura Ndakamupa Edzi Zvino Affect Nandi Akunzi Bvunzi Rinowerera Vanhu Vanoti Ndimupe Lumpsome Mari Aende

Olinda Oti Zvinondirwadza Tytan Akataura Ndakamupa Edzi Zvino Affect Nandi Akunzi Bvunzi Rinowerera Vanhu Vanoti Ndimupe Lumpsome Mari Aende               Olinda Oti Zvinondirwadza Tytan Akataura Ndakamupa Edzi Zvino Affect Nandi Akunzi Bvunzi Rinowerera Vanhu Vanoti Ndimupe Lumpsome Mari Aende    

May 16, 2024

Blah Gidza Vamboedza Kumiramira Vakarohwa Mbama Murume Mukuru Kuzviitira Manyoka

Hanzi Blah Gidza Vamboedza Kumiramira Vakarohwa Mbama Murume Mukuru Kuzviitira Manyoka. Hama wee hanzi ancestor vakabhomorwa vakarira se gurwe kiti ichiti mew meow neuko!! Mwana Uyu ihurumende tine hurumende muno ndati mwari wezvidhakwa ahoooi gurundoro mu ripiko!             Hehehe ndimwari wemunhu wese chero zvidhakwa Hanzi kubhomorwa mhuri yese Kune ruzvimbo rukuru kurakashwa zvekurakashwa zviya! 2 days mhuri ichirakashwa bayayi live kana makatitarisa Hama dza ancestor Dzine juice ndati! ndati kana mazogara musatambe or kuseenzesa mazita evakuru! Jones tauraka iyi Vakuru havangotenderedzwi zvechihwaihwai     Tati yena faka ejeli Mucharirega dzungu Kana musina kurakashwa mukazvimba feci mu

May 15, 2024

Mhondi Yanga Yatumwa Kuuraya Madamboss Yofumura Zvese Nyaya Yave Kuma Lawyer Zrp Karikudzoka Futi Mujeri Attempted Medhaaa

Mhondi Yanga Yatumwa Kuuraya Madamboss Yofumura Zvese Nyaya Yave Kuma Lawyer Zrp Karikudzoka Futi Mujeri Attempted Medhaaa.        Mhondi Yanga Yatumwa Kuuraya Madamboss Yofumura Zvese Nyaya Yave Kuma Lawyer Zrp Karikudzoka Futi Mujeri Attempted Medhaaa       This is a sad situation Madam Boss , seek for extra security, vamwe vavengi havana matyira kuti you are aware and the police are aware. Hire more security please Madam Bosss The devil is a liar🙌you walk under God's protection nothing will happen to U.,and may all the enemies put to shame in Jesus 's name.Amen May God fight against those who fight against you. I declare Psalm 35 for you, my sister. It is well, God is in control. I speak the fire🔥🔥🔥 of

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