Get Rich Quick taking Ximex Harare by storm *Sad news* lets pray for our Nation Zvanyanya izvi !!!!!
Suspected South African sangomas are taking unemployed Harare youths at former Ximex Mall along George Silundika Street in Harare by storm by offering unscrupulously high payouts for toes. There was a hive of activity and business was as usual when The Zimbabwe Mouthpiece team led by Chief Reporter Newton Mhlanga visited the area. The place can be mistaken for a high class car sale given the top of the range vehicles and various SUVs parked from Angwa and Jason Moyo, along George Silundika and Innez Terrace.
Our Chief Reporter caught up with one of the guys who consented to spill the beans on condition of anonymity. Asked whether he knew about the trending cases of the selling of toes, he smiled and replied in a soft but serious tone, "Mdhara zvigunwe zvapera mdhara, nyika iyi yaipa iyi, tarira mdhara uone mota dzakapaka apa, imbinga dzega dzega idzi. Imagine mdhara kuti pano
breakfast inotangira pa20 mari, parikuitwa bag mdhara" Toes are going Elder, this world is now evil, look at those parked SUVs, those are guys are filthy rich, imagine how expensive the breakfast has become here? $20, people are making money here. Pressed to disclose who are the chief buyers of those body parts, the source openly declared that these are the works of well known South African sangomas whose use nobody knows.
Other sources at Ximex Centre blamed the situation on government which absolutely failed to create an enabling environment conducive for job creations leading to desperate citizenry resorting to desperate means to eke a living. Zimbabwe is facing a serious economic downtown similar to that of 2008 where the inflation rate reached unprecedented levels leading to the abandonment of the Zimbabwe dollar and the adoption of the basket of currencies on the Inclusive government.