Sunday, March 09

Pashata Holyten Otuka Tinashe Mutarisi Urikuitisa Saintfloew Iwe Haa Pakaipa

Controversial rapper and songwriter Mukudzeyi Chitsama, popularly known as Holy Ten or Mujaya has come again and caused stir on social media.

In a Facebbok post extracted by Holy Ten shared a message for Saint Floew’s manager , Tinashe Mutarisi.








Hanzi Tinashe Mutarisi haasikupa Saint Floew Chance yekumbo poster wo page rake amboita zvanoda .You’re trying too much to be Sainfloew iwewe wacho. You can tell kuti Saintfloew didn’t type this. This English ? Tawanda chaiye?

Mukuhwanda nekuti management but deep down you know mukutotsvagawo mbiri.Cooler down

This comes after Saint Floew pinned down an appreciation message for Jahprayzah in which he stated Massive shoutout kuna Mkoma @Jahprayzah for







his exceptional work in puttting together a serious phenomenal shows over the weekend. Aiwa kubva ku planning to flawless execution , JP has once again showcased why he’s considered one of the best in the industry…im truly privileged to learn from his expertise and dedication….LEARNING from the best in the game.Cussy Mandaza




Tanga takurarama murunyararo iwe ita zveSamanyanga yako hakuna anokutanga avo vaite zvavo wakuona kukosha kwaSaintfloew Kah bcz wapera

Marian Gudo
Haaaa Tinashe Mutarisi achiri kutsvaga mbir hre dog

Babusisiwe Moyo
Tawanda hanzi ane U paOlevel English

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