Friday, November 29

Olinda Chapel Or Catherine Pregnant With Tytan?

Rutendo Loveness Samas a popular Zimbabwean socialite and admin of Mvengemvenge posted  what they call Juice or V11's on the Facebook  group called Mvengemvenge. At this point  noone can confirm if the allegations posted by this girl names Cathrine are true or not.

I am sure someone trusted Rutendo not to reveal thier identity when they gave her these V11's, Catherine  claims she has a child by Tytan who is now married to Olinda Chapel and she wants Tytan to step up and take his reponsibilities as a father. She goes to claim that Olinda has be working to prevent Tytan to be in the childs live. 

Olinda Chapel who recently told the world she is pregnat carrying Tytans child posted on Facebook when Catherines pregnancy was due.

Zimbolivenews does not make up news we just report whats been posted on facebook and we dont have a side. Hopefully the truth will come out in the end and we wish all the parties involved to be strong and safe.


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