Friday, November 29

Mudiwa Laughs At Stunner #GinimbiChallenge "Ko Imba NeMotor Dzako Stunner = ZERO

Mudiwa Hood is not holding back he is throwing hay makers at Stunner. As we predicted in our last post Mudiwa Hood has one secret weapon he will use now and again to nuetralize Stunner and that is his Big House and Big Cars & His Bank Account. Mudiwa Hood has used these tactics everytime he is backed up in a corner , he will talk about his money and  show off his cars. 

He has done it again to put Stunner in his place by challanging Stunner to The #Ginimbichallange where Ginimbi shows off his cars and mansion Mudiwa Hood does the same thing shows off his cars and mansion. Stunner does not have cars and a huge mansion so Mudiwa knows he wins this challenge.

Stunner will not take this laying down Stunner also has a secret weapon that Mudiwa Hood lacks , Stunner is a giant and has Bag Remashoko Stunner always wins with his mouth he uses words in a skillful manner and ususally shuts down Mudiwa Hood. Stunner will rap and say words poetically which Mudiwa does not know how to do. So far Mudiwa Hood seems to be wining this King Of Zim Hip Hop battle but the war is not over and we are sure Stunner is in the studio working on sOmething that will shock Mudiwa Hood.

Stunner & Mudiwa Hood are friends in real life but vakamakana decent since they both want to be known at the king of Zim Hip Hop. This story is developing and getting interersting we will keep watching and update all the Stunner and Mudiwa Hood Fans

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