Friday, November 29

Melly Mamoyo Blasts Tatelicious About Zuva Drama Part1

Melly Mamoyo is the Founder of mvengemvenge one of the most powerfull Zimbabwean Facebook groups. All leaks and dramas in the Zimababwean facebook community go through Mvengemvenge. Zimbolivenews was sent videos of a live Melly Mamoyo made talking about what Tatelicious  suggested about Zuva Habane.

Melly Mamoyo points out that what Tatelicious posted were lies and fake stories, Melly has her own sources and believes Tatelicious is spreading fake news and is lying to people.

Zimbolivenews for the record just reports the news and does not create the news. Zimbabweans are all vested in thier community so Zimbolivenews feels its their duty to share these stories with the public. Zimbolivenews is neutral and has no side.


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