Monday, January 20

Mashura Vana Vasisi Va Millionare Olinda Vakazviuraya Voti Mainini Vedu Ava Vane Moyo Wakaipa Vanopa Ana Mazepe Mari Isu Hama Dzavo Tichitambura Zvakaoma And Zvinonyadzisa

Uyo in blue and big guy vanonzi Diana na Tawanda vana va sis va olinda Chapel Nkomo who committed suicid****... vakatoisira mai vavo tombstone iye Orinda and all her siblings havana kubatsira ...






Diana and her two sons are in South Africa and Tawanda in Zimbabwe Vari kutambura they never even asked them to come on CoS.Unozviti Uri Rich Aunty chirudzii Hama dzako dzichitambura.. charity begins at home batsirai hama dzenyu first musati mapa Ana Mazepe ma stars nekuda kunzi Uri mbinga asi






Hama dzako dzichitambura😭😭😭😭The bible says, such people are worse than infidels. In other words, they have no love at all and cant love because the love of God is not in them. If ever they show kindness to other people, its for optics and fame and not love.Madam boss akatengera mai kachembere masofa,





Ukuwo Fungai akasiira madam boss imba .Dzidzai kuma sisters awa 

Kwete kuita chirera nherera Stuner naTitan

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