Friday, November 29

Madam Boss Pfeka Zvinokufadza & Makes You Happy

VATSIGIRI vanotevera Tyra Chikocho – uyo anozivikanwa saMadam Boss – vari kupa mafungiro avo akasiyana-siyana zvichitevera kubuda kwaari kuita achizvishambadza padandemutande apo akapfeka mbatya dzekutuhwinhisa uye pamwe aine kachikabudura.

Madam Boss (34) mudzimai waNgoni “Mhofela” Munetsiwa – uyo anovazve maneja wake – uye anoti haasi kukanganiswa nemavhidhiyo ake ari kutenderera paWhatsApp nepaFacebook apo anobuda akapfeka zvipfeko zvekutuhwinhisa uye “nekachigwishu” kechikabudura izvo zvinosiya dzimwe nyama dzemuviri sezvidya nemagadziko ake zvakati yacha panze.

Vamwe vatsigiri vaMadam Boss vaenda papeji reKwayedza repaFacebook ndokupa pfungwa dzavo pamusoro penyaya iyi zvichitevera kubuda kwayaita mupepanhau rinosusukidza tsika nemagariro iri.

Hezvinoi zvimwe zviri kutaurwa nevatsigiri vaMadam Boss paFacebook:
Linet Mazorodze: Madam Boss pfeka zvaunoda iwe musaita godo nxaaaa.

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Tania Mwananyoka: Tibvirei apa basa kuwisirana pasi chete, ndozvega zvamaona pana Tyra izvozvo . . . ndosaka mukutenga chingwa che$16.

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Ishamael Gwatiringa: Angagoti kudii, handiti kutsvaga mari here, chiri mumari chakagozha zvokwadi, ndabvuma.

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Sherly Chipindu: mind yr hokosi imi nekuti aita muZimba aaaa tibvireyi.

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Tsitsi Joyce Charangwa: Learn to mind yr hokosi vanhu zvine basa reyi munhu anopfeka zvaanoda.

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Perpetua Tirivangasi: kana murume wake achimutendera apana chakaipa.

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Juliet Chamisa: Zvine basa rei nemi izvozvo.

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Fungai W Chikanda: Apa mashaya nyaya.

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Zvichakadai, Madam Boss anoti mavhidhiyo nemifananidzo iyi zvakatorwa pabhavhadhe remukoma wake, ndokuwedzera achiti, “Mhofela” ndiye anomutora mimwe yemifananidzo inokonzeresa iyi.

Anoti izvi ndizvo zvinoita kuti aite mukurumbira nekurarama.
Madam Boss anotizve vamwene vake vanomufarira zvikuru uye dzimwe nguva anotorwa mifananidzo yakadai vari vose.
Socialite and comedienne Madam Boss has spoken out against critics saying that her husband and in-laws have no problem with her dressing.

This comes a few days after social media went into overdrive following the circulation of photographs online in which Madam Boss was wearing a one-piece swimsuit as well as bum shorts at a recent birthday party. Apparently, some social media users did not approve of Madam Boss’ dressing or the decision to share the images online.

However, an unapologetic Madam Boss, real name Tyra Chikocho, was not moved and said that her husband approved of her choices. She went on to say, that the risque dressing was designed to keep her husband from straying or being attracted to other women.

"When those videos and pictures circulated on social media, I knew it would divide opinions, but my husband and in-laws are not moved at all.
They were taken at my sister’s birthday in Eastlea and I knew what was in store for us.

By the way, my husband is the one managing my affairs and I respect him…Mhofela is the one who takes and posts those pictures and videos, and we talk before posting some of the pictures and videos.

By the way, I am still young. Handisati ndave chembere ka inini. Ndendichida kuti Mhofela vatozivawo kuti ndozvinochiviwa nevamwe varume.

People are losing their wives to other mer because their wives don’t dress the away the like."

More Modam Boss Fashion News
Yesterday, news on the social media streets broke that Madam Boss (real name Tyra Chikocho) – the popular comedian who often produces viral online content – had issued a public statement to her fans apologising for wearing a sexy catsuit to the StarFM Music Awards held this past weekend. In her apology, both she and her company wrote the following;

My dear Fans.
Firstly I would like to apologize for my dressing at the STAR FM AWARDS.
As you know I travel a lot,so mukufamba tinoona zvakasiyana siyana [in travelling I get to see different sorts of things] and I really thought this jumpsuit was going to be a show stopper to my fans but overally YOU MY FANS you didn’t accept it that well.

I do what I do for you,so it is with great deepest apologies from the bottom of my heart and I repeat AGAIN I AM SORRY.

I am going to go back to those long dresses because they where more elegant than the jumpsuit.

Ndiri munhu wenyama ndombotadzawo, [I am a flawed human being and sometimes I fail] and I hope you accept my apology.

I love you all and God Bless.
I had not picked up on the initial story when fans allegedly hit back at Madam Boss for her dress choice for the awards, but I can imagine the sort of vitriol, policing and shaming that must have been directed her way during the attack.

Still, I kept hope that the apology was in line with her feisty online persona and that she would retract it today and blissfully declare “asingade haade” (who doesn’t want, doesn’t want) and that if wearing what she likes loses her an audience, then so be it.

But that moment did not come and the apology remained – even though, as a friend observed, “The apology is soo profuse I decided to think she is being sarcastic. That’s how I kept myself from having palpitations.”

Perhaps so – especially the part where she mentioned she would be going be to wearing long dresses because they “were more elegant than the jumpsuit”. Nonetheless, the apology was issued and still stands today. And it makes me sad and angry at the same time.

The policing of those who are already heavily policed

Policing of women’s bodies is nothing new in Zimbabwe, a deeply patriarchal nation space. It is why one of the publications that wrote about the apology led their article as such;

Socialite, madam Boss has apologised to the public for dressing inappropriately at the recent StarFM Awards.

Tyra Chikoko appeared at the weekend function dressed in a “breasts out” outfit that also exposed her sacred form and shape.

“Dressing inappropriately?”

“Breasts out?”

“Sacred form and shape?”

Are we really all in 2019?

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