Mabel chinomonaMabel Chinomona trying dismally to defend her chikomba and baba vemwana wake Farai Chinomona. Farai has a looted farm in Mashonaland East, we will get it from her , as it is 1 man 1 farm and his/her family. Enjoy the farm whilst it last, so as your looting at Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe, hence the Shrill Mabel supporting #ed2030.
I now call Mabel Chinomona Mrs roadrunner and mazai.Anyone with chickens and eggs is now middle income earner and the life of that person is better? Her bottom is strong and full, but upstairs she is empty. The liberation was fought so that Zimbabweans can be satisfied by owning roadrunners and eggs? Shame Mabel,Mrs eggs and roadrunner, one of the numerous side chicks (#roadrunner4Ed).
How can women in Zimbabwe be led by such an empty, but se...x maniac Mabel roadrunner?
Zimbuya muderere kunyangara fesi zvese nemoyo, iwo mazimhinho akafenguka. Sorry kwa Sorry ,very selfish and diabolical jezebel. #edmustgo #notomafidhithieves