Friday, October 18

Filis Mboni Mukadzi Ane Vana 9 Haazive Ana Baba Vevana Ochema Achitaura

Fillis Mboni is a single mother navigating the challenging terrain of parenthood without the support of her children’s fathers.

With nine children, each fathered by a different man, Fillis faces the daunting task of raising her family on her own.






In a recent interview, the reality of their situation became painfully clear. “I don’t know my father,” one of her children confided when asked about his surname.

Another sibling, tears streaming down their face, added, “We are nine with different fathers.”

The family’s daily life is a struggle. They live in a small, dilapidated house that can barely accommodate them.







Paying rent is a constant challenge, and the scarcity of food, clothing, and school fees adds to their daily burdens. “We are starving,” one of the children admitted. “We pick remains of food from the trash cans. We also have nothing to wear.”Despite the extreme poverty and countless hardships, Fillis remains dedicated to her children.

Her unwavering commitment to providing for them is evident in everything she does. Every day, she scours the streets for odd jobs, scavenging for anything that can help her family survive another day.

She often goes without food to ensure her children can eat, and her clothes are threadbare from years of wear and tear.

Fillis’s spirit and resilience shine through even in the darkest moments. She has become a beacon of strength for her children, teaching them the importance of perseverance and hope. “I take every ounce of my energy to raise my children,” she says, her voice a mix of determination and fatigue.






The community, aware of Fillis’s plight, sometimes offers help, but it’s never enough. Fillis dreams of a better future for her children, where they won’t have to worry about their next meal or where they’ll sleep at night. She longs for them to have the opportunities she never had, to break free from the cycle of poverty that has defined their lives.
Watch the video below

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