Saturday, February 01

20 Reasons Why Mugabe’s Legacy Is Uncontested By Rutendo Bereza Matinyarare


I have been listening to many misguided Zimbabweans trying to tarnish the legacy of Robert Mugabe, in an attempt to cover up for their own dereliction and failures at playing their role in building Zimbabwe with the tools Mugabe equipped us with. 

Much of this indoctrination is driven by white propaganda [particularly South African and British media] that seeks to convince Africans that their only means of advancement is directly dependent on surrendering their sovereignty, culture, wealth and resources to western paternalism.

Clearly, the white world hated Mugabe for refusing to submit to this western paternalism and him successfully piercing the veil of white superiority to emancipate black minds. Which led them to demand their right to self govern and take ownership of their resources, culture and destinies.

1. Out of this came his greatest achievement: unchaining the African mind from a position of servitude to one of self-belief, self-assertion and equity with other races.

This he achieved by asserting African rights to humanity, dignity and equality as enshrined in the UN Charter and Human Rights Declaration, after he implemented the Land Reform and indigenization policies in Zimbabwe, which restored the inheritance and property rights of internally displaced and dispossessed Zimbabweans.

2. Reinstating Black Rights To Property. 

Through these policies he set a precedence that humanity starts with people (including previously oppressed peoples) assuming their social, cultural and economic rights to sovereignty, property, control of their national resources, self determination and not just the right to vote. 

Rights previously denied black peoples by slavery, colonialism and neo-colonialism, to the extent that prevailing international legal customs, adjudicate property rights based only on the prescriptions of the 1453 Doctrine Of Discovery (colonial law) and the African colonial dispossession that followed this law. Through this custom, the western world treats non-Europeans as chattel that is not entitled to property rights. 

Mugabe delegitimized this racist and immoral order, as a result, today South Africans and Namibians are discussing land expropriation without compensation. The Tanzanians are raising taxes on mining companies and Zambia is reviewing its decision to give white settlers land at the expense of their citizens’ right to land.

3. Mugabe Rejected Discrimination 

From the onset, Mugabe refused to recognize european title to stolen property or human chattel, hence he served ten years in prison for sedition. 

On release from prison, he immediately proceeded to direct the liberation struggle from Mozambique. At the Lancaster House Conference, he took up an obdurate position to make land restitution and “one man one vote” prerequisites for ending the war.

After independence, as a gesture of reconciliation, he honored paying for the return of stolen land in foreign currency on a 50/50 split commitment with Britain. And when the Blair government abrogated Britain’s international obligations emanating from this agreement, with the complicity of other western governments. He didn’t hesitate to set aside the breached agreement, sequestrate the stolen land from white settlers without compensation to return it to the landless peasants who had suffered colonial displacement and dispossession for generations.

With this he fulfilled the aims of the Zimbabwean liberation struggle, reinstituting black Zimbabwean property rights as close as was practical to the pre-colonial order.

Over night, this man who had been knighted by the queen to appease him not to take land, became colonial capitalism’s worst bogeyman for emancipating savages by reinstating precolonial land tenure and not serving the imperial queen. 

4. Education

To advance his vision of emancipating his people, Mugabe and Zanu PF put education as the foundation of delivering total liberation. They understood from the experiences of the first African countries to be liberated, that African countries did not have colonies and they wouldn’t receive a Martial Plan or colonial reparations to lift themselves up. So the black mind was the only means by which the final leg of mental, economic and spiritual liberation would be achieved. 

• Taking over a country with a literacy rate well below 30%, barely 177 secondary schools of which 60% were white -only five of them preparing non-white students [black, colored and Indian] for university- and less than 1000 black graduates in 1980. Robert Mugabe and his team embarked on the miracle of building the best black education system the world had ever seen on a shoe string budget. In the process lifting Zimbabwe’s literacy from below 30% at independence to 89% in just 20yrs. 

To put the magnitude of his grand achievement into perspective: the literacy rate of African Americans after 240yrs of emancipation, in the biggest economy on earth, currently stands at 68%. A far cry from the 91% that Mugabe delivered in a third world Zimbabwe.

• Under pinning this phenomenal system, basic education began in liberation camp bush schools, managed by Dzingai Mutumbuka and Fay Chung in Zambia and Mozambique during the struggle. 

This was because Zanu PF believed that liberation by the gun was just the first step of liberation, but it needed to culminate in Zimbabweans educating and skilling themselves enough to built a prosperous and truly liberated nation.

• From the bush, Mugabe and his comrades began to implement the most ambitious education project on the continent, to equip Zimbabweans with both academic and technical skills that would leverage the nation’s aspirations. 

The academic subjects were standard, while the technical subjects included business, building, agriculture, fashion & fabrics, mechanics, woodwork, plumbing, technical drawing and metalwork to give Zimbabweans tangible life skills to drive the economy into a middle income country in the shortest time.

• Over the next 37yrs, Mugabe and his government painstakingly built more than 5709 schools [3462 Primary and 2247 secondary], 13 teacher training colleges to capacitate educators, 13 universities, 13 polytechnics, 43 vocational training centers, 16 research institutions, 8 nursing schools and 3 medical schools using a food for work program and the District Development Fund. 

This ensured that every Zimbabwean had access to subsidized quality primary to secondary education, despite the budgetary constraints and punitive sanctions facing the nation.

• Today, this standard of education set by Mugabe is still the benchmark to beat in Africa, according to UNESCO rankings in 2018. Meanwhile in maths and science, Zimbabwe ranks 4th despite the 18yrs of economic sanctions and the preceding economic sabotage imposed by the United States and the entire Berlin Conference cabal.

With this education, Zimbabwean human talent and skills have become the nation’s biggest export to the developed world. Enabling Zimbabweans to travel across the world, learning and gaining new skills to enable them to control and leverage their natural resources to industrialize their country that is endowed with vast strategic mineral resources [in the center of the Persian Gulf of strategic mineral resources] that western countries are dependent on to maintain their economic, industrial and military leadership. 

A third world country’s educated population controlling its strategic mineral resources was identified as an unacceptable threat to the western world order since colonialism ended. 

It’s mainly for this reason why EU and US sanctions were unilaterally imposed and are being maintained on not just the Zimbabwean government but 16mil Zimbabweans to put an anchor on the nation’s capacity to process and sophisticate those resources.

This was corroborated in 2003, when George Bush declared Zimbabwe (as a nation) an unusual and extraordinary threat to US economic, national and security interests to impose EO13288, EO13391 and EO13469 Executive Order sanctions. 

A telling development, considering that pre-WW2 Germany, Japan, USSR and post war South Korea, Russia, Vietnam, Panama, Cuba, China, Libya, Iraq and any other country that has challenged US and European domination have at one point or another been placed in the same threat category.

5. Health Care 

Coming out of a colonial legacy where 200 in every 1000 black children born, died before the age of 5. Mugabe realized that for Zimbabweans to reach their full potential through education and economic development, black children would need to survive beyond their fifth birthday.

To deliver this, a comprehensive healthcare system upgrade was planned and embarked upon. Bringing into existence 19000 hospital beds by building over 1200 healthcare centers in 30yrs, from the 13230 beds in 600 odd healthcare centers that Smith built in 90yrs of colonialism.

• Maternity beds were increased from 1 bed per every 2560 pregnancies in 1980, to 1 bed for every 567 pregnancies by 2000.

• Doctors grew from 1 per every 200 000 patients under Smith, to 1.7 and 8 nurses per 10 000 people. This is in spite of our nurses and doctors being poached incessantly by first world economies because of their high standards of training.

• Infant mortality was reduced from 200/1000 births in 1980, to less than 40/1000 by 2000, while the country enjoys a lower rate of miscarriages than the continental benchmark South Africa. Putting Zimbabwe into the top ten lowest miscarriage rates in Africa. 

Even though the nation’s healthcare system is no longer in the top five in Africa because of the impact of sanctions. It still ranks in the top 10 on the continent, better than many countries without sanctions.

6. Law Enforcement

To ensure that the nation building process was secure, law and order was bolstered. For this purpose Mugabe transformed the colonial law enforcement and judiciary to ensure that they represented the people.

Unlike what is punted by white media as Africa’s model for rule of law [South Africa], Zimbabwe doesn’t see a woman raped every 4mins, 54 murders per day, taxi violence, drug wars or foreigners being murdered and burnt in the streets without a response from government.

The country has an effective law enforcement, hence criminals (irrespective of them being foreign or local) know well not to perpetrate criminal activities in the republic because the long arm of the law is uncompromising with criminals.

This is why Zimbabwean criminals and those from further north, sadly crossover into South Africa, to commit crimes they would never attempt north of South Africa’s boarder despite the fact that businesses and people in Zimbabwe regularly carry, hold and openly trade millions of US dollars, diamonds and gold without armed guards or firearms for protection.

Even though Zimbabwe is a transit hub bridging SADC. Poachers, drug and human traffickers tend to avoid the country to go through the Heroin Coast because Zimbabwean law enforcement is a hinderance to their enterprise.

7. Traffic Enforcement

• The country’s road death toll is one of the lowest in Africa at 13 deaths/100 000 people, very close to european standards because of reasonable roads and traffic enforcement. South Africa as an African benchmark is almost three times higher at 34 deaths/100 000 people.

• The reason Mugabe left a country with low crime and road deaths is because he built a judiciary and law enforcement that works. It’s not incompetent, corrupt and untransformed as the South African system in which judges are bought, crime dockets sold, breeding impunity for racism; crimes like rape, murder, culpable homicide, drug wars, taxi wars and other such in which senior business people, police officers and politicians are often implicated.

• In Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, we hardly heard of prominent business people or active politicians being assassinated in office, even though Zimbabwean opposition politicians and activists go to the extents of calling for sanctions upon the country. 

However, in “Africa’s greatest democracy”, in the last 3yrs alone, more than 90 politicians have been assassinated in Kwa Zulu Natal only, while prominent business men and lawyers blowing the whistle on leading business mafia and politicians die mysteriously and in most cases the perpetrators are never found. 

8. Military 

• As part of Mugabe’s illustrious contribution to Pan African defense and security. The Zimbabwean army has been one of the most effective outfits at combating imperial inspired insurgency on the continent, hence SADC does not suffer from terrorism, banditry and the presence of the biggest sponsor of terrorism [Africomm]. 

• As part of the Frontline States mutual defense pact, Mugabe sent his army into Mozambique to protect Zimbabwe’s strategic assets and Mozambican citizens from MNR rebels who were financed by the apartheid and US governments to destabilize Mozambique. 

By 1992 Zimbabwean soldiers had significantly neutralized the threat of MNR to force a ceasefire and peace in Mozambique.

• In 1998 he galvanized the Namibians, Angolans, Libyans, Sudanese and Chadians to join him sending troops into Congo during the Second Congo war ( the biggest war after WW2) to curb the human carnage that was fast hitting 6mil deaths by 1996 as a result of Rwandan and Ugandan western backed rebels destabilizing Congo to make way for western mining companies to plunder Congolese resources.

9. Zimbabwe’s participation in that war forced the Sun City Accord, bringing an end to large scale human slaughter in Congo. Only to resume a few years after Zimbabwe and her allies were replaced by the SANDF and UN forces who were more committed to protecting the interests of the same western mining companies that were behind the apartheid government destabilization of the region for the last 40yrs. 

This is why western powers who were sponsoring Kagame and Museveni in Congo were not happy with Zimbabwe’s intervention. So as retaliation for this regional military leadership, bundled with land reform and the threat of Zimbabwe’s educated black population taking over their resources, it aggravated grounds for western sanctions on Zimbabwe. 

Subsequently, other countries that participated with Zimbabwe have experienced western attacks that saw Gaddafi of Libya being overthrown, Chad experiencing two unsuccessful coups, while Sudan recently suffered a successful coup against Bashir.  

• Inside the country, Mugabe fought and defeated Rhodesian and apartheid South African sponsored Super ZAPU tribal terrorists and dissidents to ensure peace and that Zimbabwe would not be another failed African state plagued by tribal conflict.

• His Air Force would go on to train the South African Air Force for 10yrs after they got independence because it was one of the best Air Forces on the continent. A natural progression emanating from Zimbabwe’s STEM education output.

A Great Public Service And Service Delivery

As a result of this amazing public sector service delivery in education, healthcare, security and infrastructure. Zambians, Batswana, South Africans, Malawians, Angolans, Mozambicans and even Ugandans migrated into Zimbabwe for these services, from the period of 1990 till 2005, two years after sanctions were doubled through the executive order sanctions in 2003.

Mugabe Built Zimbabwe Into A Successful Nation

At this juncture, it’s important to reiterate that this effective public service was built by Mugabe and a very capable team from a very low base using schemes like the Food For Work Program and government departments like the District Development Fund. 

All was achieved without a Martial Plan or colonial reparations in a country bogged down by Rhodesian sanctions & colonial debt, at a time the country was also defending itself from apartheid South Africa’s western backed destabilization attacks. 

I stress this to reiterate that Mugabe, his team and Zimbabweans built that prosperous Zimbabwe everyone harps on about. And the same institutional memory is still in charge of the country today but under the chokehold of sanctions. Yet white propaganda will have us believe that Zimbabweans inherited a jewel from the Rhodesians and then they mismanaged it. 

The data and facts paint a picture of Mugabe and Zanu building a formidable economy that became a threat to western interests. For this reason it was attacked by the on going economic warfare and collective punishment of 16mil Zimbabweans [by sanctions] to destroy the example Zimbabwe was setting for other Africans. It’s the proverbial run away slave being set as an example by the slave master to discourage other slaves from attempting to free themselves.

Moreover, where the Rhodesian colony did create infrastructure, it only catered for 6-10% of the population [white people] and their black servants. That’s because 90% of black Zimbabweans were confined to overcrowded rural reserves where they had no services or infrastructure but were heavily taxed to build Rhodesia’s social welfare system for the whites. 

In essence the little they built was capitalized by black slave labor, a plethora of heavy colonial taxes on the black rural population, exploited resources and debts that we are still paying today.

These are facts the racist media will not divulge to continue to foment the narrative that black leadership equals corruption, incapacity and inability. Therefore, Africans must shun strong African leaders like Mugabe and instead look up to western father figures who must retain control of African resources on Africa’s behalf.

What’s ironic about this manufactured consent is that the only African country still governed by a white [father figure] shadow government and business community [South Africa] has the worst education, HIV health crisis, corruption, infiltrated military, crime on the parallels of a war zone because of poverty and food controlled by father figures.

10. Economics 

• Today the biggest bank in Africa with a revenue of $3bil/mth, 6.7mil customers and 26000 outlets is a Zimbabwean outfit known as Ecocash. This bank which only operates in Zimbabwe, is able to generate more revenue than most South African banks that operate on the entire continent. A testament to the money floating in the hands of Zimbabweans.

• This also feeds into the fact that Zimbabweans have a higher net asset ownership and low personal debt than most other economies across the world. All because Mugabe empowered his people and built a moral code that promoted people to live within their means, build gradually, own assets and shy from debt.

• As a consequence, many Zimbabweans including villagers own considerable tangible assets: homes, land, water sources, seeds, solar electric generation capacity, mineral claims, livestock, crops in the ground, farming implements, insurance policies, business properties and assets without debt. Giving them some of the highest networths and gearing for economic growth in future. 

Even the waiters and helpers many South Africans disparage, own more property than the average middle class debt ridden South African, hence they end up starting businesses while their counterparts are bogged down in debt for cars, clothes, airtime and many times even food.

• Zimbabwe has more than 3mil people with a networth of over US$100 000, the opposite of the colony where personal debt is sitting at $121bil or 34% of GDP because white investment has citizens taking debt in exchange for their resources.

End Of Part 1


11.  Leveraging The Human Talent.

• Once the people were educated and skilled, Mugabe’s long term plan of giving them access to resources to learn and gain experience to produce kicked in. For this purpose he pushed for the promulgation of the indigenization policy and later-on ZIMASSET. 

In his mind he knew that this leg of the struggle would be the most difficult. More difficult than going to prison or war because for the same endeavor Lemumba, Sankara, Abenz, Noriaga, Torijo and Gaddaffi were assassinated by western powers. He understood that the same could happen to him but this was a cup [destiny] he couldn’t pass on. 

Even though they didn’t succeed in killing him, three attempts were made on his life. Tony Blair even went to the extent of asking SADC leaders for approval to attack Zimbabwe just to remove Mugabe. 

Eventually the west resorted to attacking his persona and reputation to diminish the impact of his work. This is why in his death, all we are being fed is unsubstantiated allegations and rumors of the wealth he amassed, instead of his measurable and unparalleled achievements.

12. Farming

• As with minerals, Zimbabweans control their land and the country has in excess of 120 000 black farmers benefiting from their land by farming tobacco and contributing to foreign currency generation.

One of the major reasons we don’t see murders for survival, violent service level protests, gruesome Marikana type strikes and bloody crime in the country. Besides the good law enforcement and Zimbabweans being able to export their labor. The main reason is each Zimbabwean family is able to use land, including road sides velds to feed themselves. 

Those who lose their jobs have the benefit of moving back to their rural homes where they have access to land before being forced to resort to violence for survival. 

The infirm, vulnerable and even the indolent [lazy] are sustained by their relatives in the country or the diaspora because of the communal values still ingrained in the society. These are the under estimated benefits of land reform, Mugabe’s education policy and assertive leadership which have maintained morality and the non-violent nature of the nation, even under sanctions. 

• Between 1980 and now, more than 300 000 families that support on average 11 members, were given land and till today anyone patient enough to apply and wait for land, can still receive land in Zimbabwe.

But, as with any deconstruction or restructuring process, Zimbabwe had to start its agriculture afresh on diminished capacity, as previously dispossessed black farmers, sucked dry by 90yrs of white exploitation began to reacquaint themselves with the land and now they are gradually pushing up their output.

• In the last three years, 18yrs after Land Reform, Zimbabwe’s black farmers have surpassed the tobacco and cotton numbers it took white settler farmers over 95yrs to set. In 2018 cotton numbers jumped by over 300%, numbers achieved under economic sanctions without the privilege of debt, slave labor, pole taxes, preferential western market access or subsidies from exploitation as white farmers enjoyed.

• In the process the country has maintained a percentage of its heirloom seeds because of government’s agriculture research centers and Mugabe’s clear policy against GMOs. Complimenting that, the country has one of the biggest beef and goat herds in the hands of rural folk in Africa.

13. Mining

• As outlined above, Zimbabweans control their mineral resources and many average Zimbabweans own mineral claims and mines from which most of the nation’s ore is derived. 

• This is the reason why the biggest black gold, platinum, chrome and coal miners in the world are Zimbabweans. All emanating from Mugabe giving his people who Europeans believe are not worthy of controlling their resources, access to resources. 

We currently have more than 6000 gold miners and these citizens form the engine for government to build up its gold reserves.

• Mzi Khumalo’s Metallon couldn’t mine gold in South Africa but he is now one of the biggest gold miners in Zimbabwe. And despite his tax evasion allegations, the Zimbabwean government continues to treat him as one of its own and not a foreigner because of hunhu/ubuntu and values inculcated by Mugabe and his government.

• Implats is one of the biggest miners of platinum in the world, their most profitable mines are run by Zimplats in Zimbabwe and black Zimbabweans manage and own 51% of Zimplats.

14. Finance

• In Zimbabwe, we find one of the biggest black owned insurance, banking and telecoms industries in the world that have kept the country afloat under the current economic war. 

Even African Americans or black Europeans do not own strategic financial assets at the proportion of black Zimbabweans. Opening up the door for this paper monied class of American Africans to come and invest in real wealth in Zimbabwe. I won’t even talk about South Africa which doesn’t even have a single black bank or insurer.

15. Energy 

• The country’s biggest independent energy producers and energy traders are black and they are the ones building solar farms as independent energy producers in the country.

• This has seen opportunities open up for black South Africans like Matshela Koko to build a solar power plant under the new President. Something he wouldn’t get to do in his own country because of white monopoly and exclusion by the gatekeeping black leadership.
15. Wealth Creation

• As a result of Mugabe’s transfer of resources to their rightful owners, black Zimbabweans have become rich and the western world has gone into high gear to sabotage the Zimbabwean economy by tightening sanctions to obscure the success of this endeavor.

• Albeit, in that environment Zimbabwe has created organic US dollar millionaires and billionaires in banking, telecoms, technology, mining, farming, energy, industry, logistics and services and not token empowerment gatekeepers in white companies.

• Today black Zimbabweans have more savings per capita than any other African country on the continent, with more than 68% of the country’s GDP in savings sitting outside Zimbabwe. The third highest percentage after Dubai and Saudi Arabia.

This is capital that will leverage Zimbabwe into a middle income economy in the near future, once Zimbabweans realize that they don’t need foreign investment but their own savings as their home biased investment. 

16. Zimbabwe Is Open To Africans

Even now Africans who dare to venture into Zimbabwe like Mzi and Matshela are building their balance sheets from this emancipated economy. 

Rumors continue to abound that senior South African politicians like Thabo Mbeki also have mines in Zimbabwe, hence they are comfortable with an untransformed South Africa because they already own resources courtesy of Mugabe. 

These are some of the cascading benefits of Mugabe taking the sacrifice of deconstructing the colonial edifice, transforming and indigenizing his economy for the long term benefit of ALL black people.

All that Mugabe did was for the long term benefit of future generations of African children. Through his indigenization policies, he preserved the country‘s vast gold, lithium, iron, coal, oil and gas reserves that are still untapped by european exploitation. Contrast that with South Africa which has been mercilessly exploited to the extent that today less than 18yrs of gold and less than 10yrs of iron remains. 

Today, many black Zimbabweans are educated, property owning, middle class citizens who are employable anywhere in the world because of subsidized education, food, transport, healthcare, resource ownership, the vision, leadership and hard work the old man and his team put in. But this same group are the first ones who spit on his legacy based on what they hear and read in white media and them focusing on birth pains more than the child [benefits] born. 

They fail to realize that a sacrifice had to be made for the empowerment they are beneficiaries of and in many ways it’s their contribution [patriotism, investment, ideas, innovation, taxes, creativity, solutions, fight against sanctions] that is missing to deliver a better Zimbabwe.

South Africans Appreciate Little.

Meanwhile, in South Africa where most of the anti-Mugabe media lingers. The locals who were short changed by Mandela, appreciate their white savior and guard his legacy jealously. Bantu education seems to have preserved the uhunhu/ubuntu to appreciate little in the South African, while great education has eroded any sense of gratitude in the Zimbabwean.

17. Decolonization

Even though Mandela’s european colony of South Africa is ruled by a white shadow government and investment. Although it has given all resources to westerners and doesn’t have sanctions around its neck. It still has the worst education in Africa, yet it has the biggest budget for education.

Alongside that is the biggest crime fighting budget on the continent but South Africa has the highest chaos and violent crime in Africa. 

All this because 47% of South Africans are food insecure because they can’t grow their own food without land, technical skills and seeds owned by Monsanto and Sygenta. 

Another issue is all the investment the South African government puts into law enforcement and education is spent supporting western companies, procuring equipment and decision makers receiving bribes instead of building black capacity. So much for western paternalism that continues to impoverish Africans since the arrival of the first colonizers 600yrs ago. Africa must decolonize and stop vilifying decolonizers.

18. Mugabe Invested In the Right Things

Mugabe might not have had money to spend on equipment but he invested in capacitating his people. He trained his administrators to invest in priority areas that mattered, on low budgets, to set up the nation for the future. It’s the reason why Zimbabwe has education, security, law & order, US dollar millionaires and is surviving sanctions better than apartheid South Africa did under sanctions. 

Mugabe had long term vision, uncharacteristic of most African leaders, hence it takes strategic thinking to fully appreciate what he achieved. He achieved for black people what even America is failing to deliver to its 45mil African American citizens. This is why the racist redneck American government is hunting for all means, including war, to reverse the precedence he set, as they did in Libya.

This is why he is an icon to many Africans because he materially and psychologically emancipated black Zimbabweans, while enjoining Africans across the world to realize that they can do for themselves because they are equal to whites and not inferior. 

19. Hated For Lifting Africans

For these reasons the western world united to try and destroy his legacy by putting Mugabe and his nation under sanctions since liberation through colonial debt. Over and above that the world powers deceived him to buy back stolen land in foreign currency in the name of reconciliation, yet behind his back they were partnering with the apartheid government to destabilize his country and impose debt colonialism through ESAP [structural adjustment]. 

But somehow, under these insurmountable odds, this stubborn man and his equally stubborn political home, were still able to systematically lift their countrymen and nation to a point of becoming a threat to the western world. 


Mugabe’s work culminated in Zimbabweans becoming educated enough to demand control of their laws, economy, land and resources as their aspirations grew to them wanting to be captains of their destiny. 

This made Mugabe, ZANU and his people a threat [unusual and unequivocal threat] to the western colonial capitalist order, hence western countries -the same who met to carve Africa in 1884- came together and imposed unilateral EU, ZDERA and EO13288 sanctions to incapacitate the rise of the same MaDzimbabwe [Houses Of Stone] they destroyed with colonialism.

20. A Threat To White Supremacy

This national icon became a nightmare to white domination as his policies and ideology threaten to become the new African blue print to overthrow western hegemony. In fact it has become a virus in the hearts of all oppressed peoples, who like Zombies are now driven to rise and take a leaf from his philosophy and works to emancipate themselves without apology. 

For this he had to be stopped, and when they failed to kill him, the destruction of his work and  assassination of his character by both black and white began in earnest. Whites did it to preserve their right to dominate Africans and control their wealth, while the Africans in the know did it out of shear envy of the bar he set. Not realizing that destroying Mugabe’s legacy based on white interests is to destroy their own right to exist. 

Fortunately, the vast majority are just ignorant and this piece seeks to awaken them to their true inheritance which they must awaken to protect.

Mugabe’s legacy is the legacy of Africans rising to take control of their own destiny, hence I refuse to sit as my destiny is trampled upon by racists and their muppets who feel entitled to my progeny’s legacy. 

Long Live Robert Mugabe,  A Leader Of Leaders who carries my destiny.

- Rutendo Bereza Matinyarare of Zimbabweans Unite Against US War Sanctions

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