Ndaiswawo tattoo remuroora wenyu Kiki Ndoinonzi cheating plus ➕️ rigging isa paruoko wangu kkkkkkkkkkk kwaaaaaAiswawo tatoo mukomana😂😂🤣🤣tangomirira kuzoonawo ma v 11 ake senyika ye Zimbabwe kwatirikuyenda ndopasina izvezvi muchaona ma video 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ndoinonzi cheating plus ➕️ rigging isa paruoko wangu kkkkkkkkkkk kwaaaaaaaaaaAsi iro rinongoonekwa naiye ega wadii kuiswa pamhanza🤣🤣So matozvipira kt muchadanana hre kusvika murufu maisana rupahwo rwemazita pamuviri. Hamuna kunyanya kumanya hre vafanaa ini munofuma makarambana mozoita sei manjeKunewese waihukura saka muchaita sei
Nhasi ndarota @sir_wicknell vachiti enda unotora mota yako pa garage ndabhadhara kare. Could it be just a dream, I hope the dream shall come true. Vadudziri tipei tinzwe 😜😁 Fans not happy check 😒 👇👇👇 Used to respect Ola bt ola why stoopin so low nhai .work hard n buy yoz mafana hakuna kwatoenda senyika .Phansi lezikothampentsho mentality Ngochanii dzinotadza nei kuwanda kana varume vacho vakutomira mira kupfiyiwawo nevamwe varume kudai varume vekare vaive misoro yemba chaiyo manje team remanje kuda zviri nyore Ndamunyarira Ollah, stoeping so lowe, kutogoogler mapics Kuda kukumbira mo
Handisi kushora but Zvunhu zvacho zvonyanya kuitika zvakateedzana Imba, Mota, business zvese zvakatedzana. Zvotifungisa 2022 hameno zvazviri, evooo - mhenooo.Ofcourse kwainakidza hako kujeri sezvaanotaura, but varipadhuze naye potai muchimudzira . Mukati rino rinopera nepace yaainayo yeemota I doubt….
Saka ndaishaudhirwei manje 😂 Kukurumidza kunotukisa ndakazviona hangu😂 ukadanana nemuporofita anogona kumuka akagumbuka big time . Kuzomubvunza kuti ko magumbukei ndisina zvandatadza 🤷🏽♂️ anobva ati ndaona kumberi uko uchindi cheater na Chikamburamukaka . Ko madii mangonyarara henyu hamusi kuona kuti matopa vanhu zvekutaura here King 🔥Une discord pakutaura zvese nekuimba
🟣 Dear Mt Pleasant Constituents, RESIGNATION FROM PARLIAMENT Above all, I want to thank you. I do not take your confidence in me for granted. In fact, it has been the honour of my life to represent you. This is not the end for us but the beginning of a different journey. One of my first promises to you was to always be honest, transparent and accountable in my decisions. It is in this spirit that I wish to lay out my reasons for leaving the Citizens’ Coalition for Change and resigning from Parliament with immediate effect. When the CCC was launched in January of 2022, it was with the shared understanding that this new movement would be underpinned by the core value of being citizen-cent
MURUME ane makore 56 okuberekwa wekwaGutu, kuMasvingo, nyakudanana nemudzimai wen'anga yekwaChihota, ari kudemba chaakazviitira zvichitevera kumera kwaaita mitumba yemazamu.MURUME ane makore 56 okuberekwa wekwaGutu, kuMasvingo, nyakudanana nemudzimai wen’anga yekwaChihota, ari kudemba chaakazviitira zvichitevera kumera kwaaita mitumba yemazamu. Dambudziko iri raenderera mberi, ndakazobvunza mudzimai uyo akazobuda pachena kuti aiva mukadzi wen’anga achibva andipa nhamba dzenhare dzemurume wake. Ndakafonera murume uyu akandibudira pachena kuti mudzimai wake aiva atiza pamba ndokuti aizviziva kuti ndaizoridza nhare chete kwaari. Takataurirana akabvuma kuti tizoonana naye tikurukure nyaya iyi,” vanodaro VaPeter Makoni.V
A fuel service station in Southlea Park, Harare was robbed of US$5 400 by a gang of 15 men in the early hours of Wednesday morning. fuel service station in Southlea Park, Harare was robbed of US$5 400 by a gang of 15 men in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) said the suspects, who were covering their faces to conceal their identity, attacked two fuel attendants who were on duty. They then entered a shop where they attacked six occupants who were sleeping before blasting a safe and taking the cash. Police Police in Southlea Park are investigating a case of robbery which occurred on 24/01/24 at around 0100 hours at a service sta
Renowned gospel musician and pastor, Charles Charamba, has called on the Government to include the fight against drug and substance abuse in the new curriculum. Renowned gospel musician and pastor, Charles Charamba, has called on the Government to include the fight against drug and substance abuse in the new curriculum. Speaking to H-Metro, Charamba stated that learners at the Early Childhood Development (ECD) level should be taught about the dangers of drug and substance abuse. He said: Just like what happened when HIV and Aids was first discovered in Zimbabwe, it was included in the curriculum and people got to kno
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has re-appointed Priscilla Makanyara Chigumba as the Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) for another six-year term. President Emmerson Mnangagwa has re-appointed Priscilla Makanyara Chigumba as the Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) for another six-year term. The reappointment, which was made in terms of Section 238 (5) of the Constitution, is with effect from 01 February 2023. The Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Martin Rushwaya advised Chigumba about the reappointment in a letter on Thursday night. He wrote:
MUKOMANA ane makore 19 okuberekwa uyo akarerwa nasekuru naambuya vake kuMahusekwa, kwaChihota – wekushaya nyadzi nerukudzo ndokudanana naambuya vake ava – akazonozvipereka kuna sekuru hanzvadzi yaamai ava apo akabatwa nerunyoka rwekubuda masvosve nemajuru.VaNyusa vanoti vakarumwa nzeve nevanhu kwenguva yakareba asi vachifunga kuti vaida kuvapesanisa nemuzukuru wavo. “Ini basa rangu ndinotyaira magonyeti kuenda kunyika dzakasiyana, runyerekupe rwekudanana kwemuzukuru wangu nemudzimai wangu wandine vana 7 naye rwakasvika kwandiri, kusvikira ndakazoronga kuenda kune imwe n’anga. Ndikaitirwa mhiko dzangu, ndakazoona muzukuru ava kuuya achikwenya-kwenya achiti anorumwa nemasvosve uyewo achizvimba, ndikaziva k