haiwa magaro anoda achindirana neface zvese ne shokaThis woman is not feeling fine She look sick everything is not all about yanshAiwa aya anyanya magaro kukura kwemagaro unenge uchisimba body yako kwete kusimba magaro kana ukanzi unema hips hakuna zvakadaro garo rokurira muridzi waro jesooooo Kufarira maballoon kkkkkkk u hv made it wooooow in life time kracho renge zundu .vanemareal chaiwo havatoite zvimavedio zvakafumuka uchadyiwa necancer it's not even bbl zvimainjection zvemaCongo u won't b able to maintain it years to come ..u risked your life ntwanakutoti bb toita Mari nemagaro ako🤣🤣🤣😂 Hapana chinhu chinomak
Get well soon Lynn she was kidnapped on Saturday. The Talented Mc Lynn akakwira kombi kuma 8pm achienda kumba (DZ) from town. Bustop yake was the last vamwe vese vaburuka the driver locked the doors vakaburitsa pfuti and said vakuenda naye, that was muna byo road akazojamba mota ichifamba matsotsi haana kukwanisa kumira nekuti mota dzainge dzakawanda muroad. Paakazowana help it was too late kombi yematsotsi yayaenda, so now one ndiye Akabatwa. SOURCE: Nutsy Guatey
Gogo musalad vadzoserei kuzim vanofarisaMashura Hanzi 73 Yr Old Teenager Akauraya Munhu Nyaya Yacho YakutotyisaKetty vadyeiko nhasi nhai iwee ketty usadaro vadhakwa hr usadaro kutuka Mai unotuka munhu vese nhai ko nhai ketty amai vako vakafa unochema hrIiiiiiiiih nhai Mwari wangu Saka vanenge vachinzwa sei amai ava weduwe moyo wangu warwadza .. Ngozi iyi inorikipa here yekutuka mai kudai ? Ketile hausi kuona kuti urikuparira vana vako hereVeduweee pengai chaizvo,, mese ikoko,, kuita kutuka amai zvakadaro,, hameno henyu ikoko tukanai mufeee kana hanya nxa love u mommyNdimai here or munhu wemuroad mkadzi iwe kuna mai haaa ndatya ndimai nyakubereka here ava
Kuva murume hazvireve kuva neblambi chete ,even vane blambi vacho vamwe they are failing to MAN UP. Kuva MURUME is to be RESPONSIBLE & RESPECTFUL , TATENDA 👌Why does Mai Tanya respect and Love me ? The answer is because I shower her with love and respect and she reciprocates .❤️😘❤️Hapana kana dumwa kana mushonga. Kungonzwisisana chete nekuisa zvese mumaoko aMwari ❤️❤️❤️❤️ANA SOKO WOYEEEEEE😘😘😘 One Murume akarongeka mu Zimbabwe #Ndini , HOW TO HAVE A BARIKA #PEACEFULLY. 👌 That's why I love my first wife, she's very suppo
TWO security guards allegedly picked up US$53 000, which had been dropped by a gang of robbers who struck at Quest Financial Services, and one of them used the money to pay lobola. Cornelius Muchikange and Nesbert Kachungwe, who are both aged 35, attended the crime scene as part of the reactionary teams that were called during the Quest Financial Services robbery where US$710 000 was stolen. During their escape, the gang of robbers left a grinder, some detonators, a bag with two laptops and dropped cash amounting to US$5000 in the premises and escaped through the back of the office. Outside the office, one of the paper bags the robbers were using to carry money was torn and all the cash dropped to the ground and
BUSINESSMAN, whose name was sucked into a plot to kill a seven-year-old Grade One pupil and use his head for ritual purposes, turned to Facebook yesterday to dismiss the claims and, in a bizarre twist, says he is being persecuted for believing in Jesus Christ. John Madondo, a prominent businessman in Rusape, was implicated in the murder plot, for ritual purposes, which saw Tatenda Mudziwedare (20), being sentenced to four years in prison for his part in the plot. Mudziwedare was convicted of the crime after he pleaded guilty to attacking the schoolboy and almost strangling him only for him to be disturbed by some villagers who were passing by the crime scene. Mud
KOMBI driver has been arrested for raping a police officer. A memo from Nembudziya Police Station confirmed the attack. “On February 13, at around 1am, Tichaona Chariwa, 37, who is a kombi driver, attempted to rape a female constable, 36. “On the day in question, Tichaona met with the complainant at Mtora Business Centre where she asked him to pick her up at her homestead so he could ferry her to Kadoma with his kombi. “At around 1am, he drove his kombi to the complainant’s homestead and, when he arrived, she had not finished packing her bags and she asked him to wait outside. “He later entered her room, proceeded to
Content yacho kna ykudai hainakidzeNdr fan renyu zvekudaro but I'm not happy at oil KO tattoo rako Tytie rakatobva🥺🥺Bt zvimwe zvese boe hazvo bt apo pakanapukeni ako 1day muchationesa ndoona sezvinozoita kuti varume vazovinge mudzimai vachimbomuzama ku box vane maonero avanevachiita😭😭dai muri maAmericans mukutonzi hwawu manje problem makaita vekuzimbabwe munotukwa kaniHahahahahaha huyai muone zvavava mukarwadziwa hamupore munoramb muchingorwadziwa hahahaha pedzera mwana bro pedza kose kanonak kacho ikako ita zvekusvetaImimi chasara kuisana ndikutokudzai..itaii hunhu plizzz pliz pane vanhu vakuru vanokuterai
CHABVIRA KWA MAGAYA AREPA FUTI ??? MAGAYA CHIIKO ???? #HOMWE_iHOMWE👏👏👏Murume Ada kubhura vamwe kkkk Magaya Reply I'm at one of the main Walk Through Altars where I've started to pray for the fruits that are going to be used tomorrow on the Fruit Sunday. I'm inviting you - we have many fruits and they are enough for everyone. The partners have come through and I've prayed for the fruits. Our theme for tomorrow is very simple - 𝗕𝗘 𝗙𝗥𝗨𝗜𝗧𝗙𝗨𝗟 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗠𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗣𝗟𝗬 in whatever you do be it your business, marriage or love
FAST foods company, Eat n’ Lick operations manager, Aleck Nyemba is embroiled in a nasty sexual harassment case in which he stands accused of harassing several junior female employees at his workplace. FAST foods company, Eat n’ Lick operations manager, Aleck Nyemba is embroiled in a nasty sexual harassment case in which he stands accused of harassing several junior female employees at his workplace.