MURAIRIDZI wenhabvu ane mukurumbira – Nelson Matongorere – ashaya.MURAIRIDZI wenhabvu ane mukurumbira – Nelson Matongorere – ashaya. Matongorere, uyo ange ave nemakore 68 ekuberekwa, akashaya manheru adarika mushure mekunge arwara kwekanguva.Ange achishanda ari mutevedzeri wemurairidzi we CAPS United uye aimbove technical director kuZIFA.
Really Sadđź’” | This happened in Bikita. Pane mukomana anonzi Terrible Mukanga (26 years old) akarepa three sisters aged 16, 28 and 30. Terrible Mukanga allegedly ordered the sisters to strip naked and held them hostage between 5pm and 10pm. Akavabata chibharo vese achivatyikidzira nebanga raanga anaro. Terrible Mukanga humiliated his victims, allegedly describing their private parts and telling the 30-year-old that hers was not tight enough to satisfy him. Mukanga allegedly started by r*ping the 16-year-old whom he made to bend downwards but he stopped and left her when she started screaming. He then went to the 30-year-old and r*ped her but complained that she was not tight enough and asked the number of c
PAKAIPA | Bhazi ranga richienda kuKaroi from South Africa rinonzi Mandaza/Elsberry raita accident panonzi paKasimure, Hurungwe district. No deaths have been reported but seven people including the conductor were injured .PAKAIPA | Bhazi ranga richienda kuKaroi from South Africa rinonzi Mandaza/Elsberry raita accident panonzi paKasimure, Hurungwe district. No deaths have been reported but seven people including the conductor were injured. Vele what happens to these cars which have accidents?? Long bck thy used to leave thm on t side of the roadHah chero iyo road yacho the accident was unavoidable ,ndopanoona mapurisa nemasoja vachidzingira vanhu mumigwagwa
SAD💔 | Nezuro manheru, bhazi rinonzi Stallion cruise rakaita head-on collision with a heavy truck paHalfway mark yeBulawayo and Victoria Falls. The accident yakaitika kuma11pm (22 May 2024 Sadly, driver weTruck nemaPassagers ake vakafira paSpot while driver weBhazi was trapped. All the passengers from the buss survived the accident. Dai paimbopiwa break kuma bus anomhanyisa aya,kumbonzi mirai yenyu ku operator kwemwedzi uno muchidzidza importance yehupenyu hwevanhu vamunotakura 🙌🏼nekuti zvekufamba ma passengers akabatira hana mumaoko ka nguva dzose hazviiti
Kunaya kwaitika manheru ano nekutsvedza kwava kuita road kwakonzeresa ma accident matatu akasiyana mu 45 minutes pedyo ne Mabvuku tava kupinda mu Ruwa. More Details: Around PM today, three separate road traffic accidents occurred on Mutare Road near the TM Ruwa area, just before the town-bound traffic lights. In the first incident, a town-bound truck carrying day-old chicks veered off the road and ended up on its side. Witnesses reported that the truck had three passengers, all of whom were injured. The second accident happened at the same location, involving a town-bound haulage truck that jackknifed. The driver, the sole occupant, sustained minor injuries, according to witnesses. &
isu vanhu totofuma kutenga mutuck-shop imomo munenge mune ka smell ke bonde. ummPoverty,,vakadzi ndpzvega zvawanogona kungwavhisa kana waomerwaThe level of disrespect is sickening
BARING Primary School was plunged into mourning on Tuesday after its Early Childhood Development (ECD) B learner — Anesu Jacob Chikodzore (6) — was accidentally hit by a steel handball pole on the head and died on arrival at a hospitaThe child died after being hit by a handball pole at Baring Primary School sports grounds in Mutare. The child was in ECD B. When we attended the scene, we gathered that the children were playing in the school grounds at 10.30am when the incident happened. “The other children then rushed to inform their class teacher who was identified as Ephitinia Manengwa, and by the time the teacher arrived at the sports fields, the child was bleeding from both the mouth and nose while still tr
Kubiwa pamwe chete nekumbunyikidzwa kwavana vechikoro kurikuramba kuchikwira munyika yeZimbabwe izvi zvichitevera kubiwa kwemwana weECD pachikoro cheJeche Primary School. Mwana uyu akashaikwa kwamazuva ndokuzowanikwa arimugomo akachengetedzwa nemurume uyo akazobatwa nevagari vemunharaunda. Izvo zvakazopa kusungwa kwemurume uyu. Zvizere munyaya inotevera Source: Alie MzingeliThey are traumatising this kid even more with their questions
Pane murume muZimba ane 42 years old who was arrested for r@ping an 8 year old girl kuPhomolong informal settlement in Atteridgeville, South Africa. Murume uyu naMai vemwana vanga vachigara vese zvekuchaya mapoto. Musiwa 27 April, mai vemwana vakambobuda vachienda kubasa for a night shift vakasiya murume uyu nemwana uya and another child who was 5 years old. The two children were sitting in the sitting room watching TV and the five-year-old left her sibling and went to the toilet. The man then called the victim to his room and akamubata chibharo. When the younger child returned to the sitting room and could not find the victim, she called out for her.
PAKAIPA | Martin Mungayi from Zimbabwe has been arrested for shooting Sasko employees during a robbery. Two vashandi veSasko vakafa while one was seriously injured. Vashandi ava vanga vari busy delivering chingwa kuDelft, Cape Town when Martin two after men approached the delivery truck and shot the Sasko employees after robbing them. Martin abatwa ari mubhazi