Nyathi family be careful, Moreboys chivharo kana muchida kunzwa zvizere bvunzai Madhumbe Domestic worker akapotsa kufa ashandiswa naMoreboys akamunyima mari yebasa. Akaridza mhere zvaipisa tsitsi akasiya basa nedepression atambwa chikoko round nababa ava. Anotaimira vanhu vadiki vanotambura ndovaanoshandisa and haabhadhari vashandi vese vakangosauka. Matshirts vanopiwa mudhosvo iye achipfeka jira kwaro matracksuits havatombolumi. Nezuro kunyeba hanzi mota three dzeGreat hope dzauya kwaNyathi apo zvinhu zvinokwana half mota. Moreboys itsotsi muchenjere anoitisa vanhu anoshandisa varombo for peanuts.bvunzai mai mickiThank you guys for the message and support.We should always there to help and support each other.Even if people attack me ,my
Isu ndizvo zvatinenge takamira zvakadai feli wapera hausi chinhu usaswera kutyidzira vanhu uchiita senge une yese lol hon Tatenda Mavetera the founder of Woman for ed havade dzungu rese iro gee blueticked!!! You posted 22hours ago vaka ku bluticker Madam boss posted 6minutes ago she was responded there and there Gegedeeeeeee kusekera pachi Shabanie haha 😄 😆 😂 🤣 😅 😜 😄 😆 😂Vari kuti apindura after a day umwe achipindurwa in 3 minutes time hanty avafonera kuti commentaiwo pangu,avafonera uyuIf kupera was a person kamuchacha FokofuIni ndodzura post yacho kana munhu akandi blueticker iyikandi
HARARE – Musician Trevor Dongo says the launch of his latest album, Seasons, was a flop because bad weather and the poor state of the country’s economy is keeping people away from showbiz gigs. Momuitei ko Travor Crush yema babie hobho kasi hamuchamu crushy here ?,8,people only for the why 😢 😭 😢 😭 #TrevorDongo He is gud wani chii chirikuitikwa mashwede abvuta rekeni urban grooves inotode isuwekuma80'sTrevor God is your strength, God will surely suprise you more than you could think of, just be thankful to the 8 people that turned up,it is well, I sympathise with you. It is well
Hanzi mutsvene wacho ndiani and we all know no one is perfectMaporofita vanhu vema church vaita mbiri dzeku hura but ukavanzwa vachi shumira shoko ra Mwari vanoita sekunge vasingatadze. Chinoshamisa ukavanzwa vachiporofita vanhu kufumura mashave echihure wotoshaya kuti ravo hapana anorionawo sei We have received a video ya madzimai vachi bvisirwa hembe Pa sowe pavo haa Madzimai vanoratidza munhu atori ne experience Kana muchida kuona this video join LeakedChaosAfrica telegram group link to join is on top
Vanhu Veku Ticktok Varikuvhura Hombe Mazuvano Chisikana Aliya Chazviitawo Tisati Tapora Na Madzimai Ema
Mazuvano chirikwa Mai Bvukururu.. Mazepe kubva zvaakayenda Ireland achisiya mukadzi wake uyo zvirikunzi marriage yaku shaker Mazimbo kushaya mabsa hre kunokuiitisai zvisina bsa kudai
Sis Ava Vasvikirwa Nemurume Mulodge Ku Avondale Vatirwa Video Vachingangurwa Haya Chihure Mucharega Zvenyu
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has subtly hinted that he will not seek another presidential term when his current and second term ends in 2028, reported NewZimbabwe.com. This comes as some of Mnangagwa supporters in ZANU PF have reportedly been pushing for an amendment of the Constitution to remove the two-term limit for him to run for a third term. Speaking in vernacular Shona at the groundbreaking ceremony of a new cricket stadium in Victoria Falls this week, Mnangagwa said:Pandanga ndichiona kuti panapa, mumusoro mangu, pachanaka pachavakwa zvakawanda ndikafunga kuti zvandakuno retire chii chandingaitewo panapa. Ndikaona kuti pachava nema butchery saka ndicha feeder mombe dzangu ndichizotengesa mombe ndichiwa
Makoti is young dressing yavamupa ndeyevanhu vakura,but I love them though ♥️♥️♥️Tht brother is very handsome ..tt lady needs grooming otherwise brother vakaramba vachipiwa suit ndaona vakuona sekunge vasisaenderana na amaiUmwe fashion designer atowana chidhori chake chekudzidzidzirira mucheno .mazimba ityai Mwari imi 🤣🤣🤣 Hembe dzakanaka bt kuna sister vangu dzavazovapawo pazera ravo hadzizonyanyoita hadzo bt zvinotendwa chose paitwa zvakanakaUum hazvisi kuita mkadzi wechidiki uya aaaa..kuita Mbuya Tanaka kudaro...kune ma long skirts akatonaka kwete zvawakapfeka izvo.. humble humble kudii uchipfrka zvakadaro..Hembe dzakanaka but ndiani nhai
MURAIRIDZI wenhabvu ane mukurumbira – Nelson Matongorere – ashaya.MURAIRIDZI wenhabvu ane mukurumbira – Nelson Matongorere – ashaya. Matongorere, uyo ange ave nemakore 68 ekuberekwa, akashaya manheru adarika mushure mekunge arwara kwekanguva.Ange achishanda ari mutevedzeri wemurairidzi we CAPS United uye aimbove technical director kuZIFA.