Breaking: Small aircraft crashes A Rio Zim small aircraft crashed on its way from Harare to Murowa Diamonds. All on board, including the pilot died on the spot.-Star FM Indian business mogul Harpal Randhawa, who had vast gold, diamonds and coal mining interests in Zimbabwe was among the 6 who died yesterday in Mashava plane crash
Robson Mhandu suspended from ZBC over sexual harassment scandal By Staff Reporter on Sep 29, 2023 The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) has suspended its Director of Radio Services, Robson Mhandu, over allegations of sexual harassment. Mhandu is accused of demanding sex from a female presenter in order to approve her transfer request from Bulawayo to Harare. Audios have since leaked of Mhandu telling one Farai Juliet Magada, also known as Farie Jules, that she needed to “motivate me by work and number two, the obvious… it’s a combination of the two.” &ld
Zimbabweans are suffering because they think they're smart, they don't vote but prefer to flood other people's countries, and always blame the government which they can vote out on a day if they register to vote When you are poor nobody minds the source of your poverty. Ingoita zvimari zvako zvishoma chete, it becomes everyone's business kuti wakaiwanepi. Dzidzayi kutsaka mari guys
Congratulations bhururu wangu #Levels❤️❤️❤️ Wochimbozorodza mboro yako because mmmmm zvatakaitwa na Shashiri gore riye hatife takazvikoshiwa😂😂😂😂 I like this new wifey of yours ,Mkadzi wako akanaka uyo , dark and lovely 🥰 Watidadisa isu mabhururu ako ❤️😍❤️ Se Hombodo yeNyika ,I BLESS YOU AND YOUR BELOVED WIFE 🙏❤️🙏 May your union be favored , preserved and be fruitful in JESUS NAME ,AMEN 🙏🙏🙏 It is well . #HOMWE_iHOMWE👏👏👏👏👏
Ngaipwanyiwe akabira nherera vana 3 girls if I am not mistaken.this kids vakasiirwa stand yakavakwa only 2 rooms , then this guy akakumbira vanaava kutirachechi pambapavo he promised to pay then every month but nothing happened like that.ndokubva atovaka church yake ivovana akavasiira kamukoto. So mwari vanoona ngaabvepo akashandisa chisimba pa stands iriyake,so ndikokoJobo wani akasangana nemiedzo yairwadza asi mwari vakazomudzosera x4 zvimwe zvinhu zvinoitika kuratidza hukuru hwaMwari , kut Simba ravo rionekwe , semunhu besides kut ndipapa or chitendero chakasiyana ngatipei umwe hope kwete kuwedzera chironda , we are with
Madam Boss kumbundirwawo nana Sviden kwasara Lala ana Swagger vese vanopinda busy 🥺 If this guy behave himself and become loyal to OC ndaona asvika kure ooooh ndorevesa.akasangoita dzungu chete Madam boss Mwari ngaaramve achikuitira zvidhafu dhafuu..muri 1 ariyegaa mai bee havamboite kungee mushande wenyu
Kusimba or imwe nhumbu??? Anyway sisi pokie vanochena ndatenda hangu maiwee😂vamwe tinogopfeka hedu but sis dresses up 😍👏👏👏 This outfit is not make sure 😅we all go kumwedzi ryt we have those days yatoita bloated or myb its age bodies do change ne age Am amused by the people refuting the idea that she might be pregnant as if vanorinda punani yake ☠️😂😂😂. Kokana iri nhumbu zveshuwa , it’s not a crime not to know nor is it a crime to speculate either . Haibo☠️😂
Mai Bee rega kushandiswa naTyra iwe nekuti akuda kuchengeterwa mwana wake akuenda newe kuSA aidi kumboenda newe pese apa iye chake kuita chipfambi iwewe ndiwe unenge uchibatiswa madhodhii emwana pese apa vaisaziva kuti unoda kuenda here munhu ngaaite zvemwana wake waakazvara, even kupiko kuzvimuchato zvake zvaanoita haaende newe even kunofara anokusiya now ajuenda newe kuda kunzi ane love newe dai wakatochengeta mari yebusiness now watova naflee market ako wakuzvigarira unosvika rinhi mai Bee unoberekeswa Mickey chaiye achembera uchingobvuma changamuka iweUkangoziva kuti admin Mai bee varipabasa unobatsirika iwe Bora ngoma munyori Mai bee vano
Its not olinda its a fan ariku uk Thank you my people for always blessing me Honai zvandayitirwa ne fan nhasi veduwe all the way from uk mwari ngakukomborerei ma svidish handina kana mashoko 😭 You deserve all the happiness and success in life enjoy your pots and keep doing good things You have a good heart and great sense of humour .Keep up the good work,
HWINZA KURAMBA KWAWAKAITA MALOTI HANDIONE PANE CHAKAIPA ASI KUTI AKATOZOCHETEDZA HUPENYU HWAKE- Vanhu vari kushora Hwinza nekuputsa mota iya kwaakaita tomboti uriwe uchiona babe rako richitorwa mapics manyama akadai neumwe mukomana how do you feel ,?? Musangoshore mukuru wechimusvunha purizi🙄😲