Zvapa chena kuti Olinda atuma mazepe kuti atuke SenMuk TV aka Mai Mazowe why uchipa munhu mastars pakutukwa neku destroyer life yamai mazowe Mari . masocialites mazimba Moda kutoona munhu abroker chete mune godo nelife dzevanhu
Saka ma ⭐️ akapihwa Mazepe na Olinda aive ekufarira kuti mai Mazowe varikutukwa! Zvapa chena kuti Olinda atuma mazepe kuti atuke SenMuk TV aka Mai Mazowe why uchipa munhu mastars pakutukwa neku destroyer life yamai mazowe Mari . masocialites mazimba Moda kutoona munhu abroker chete mune godo nelife dzevanhu
Ndauyawo kuzoita support post iyi ndaona comment section mukuzvisimbisa hee anochengeta munhu ndimwari ntoni ntoni. Uyu munhu ndiye ataura chokwadi it's up to you kuzvitarisisa kuMbinga dzenyu ukoo or moita yamagara muchiita asi makore anotevera ayo muchauya neNhoroondo, Ini ndakasaver naMwari ende nanhasi vision iyoyo haibude mandiri. Ndichati siyanisei maVenues kuitira kuti akaona post iyi haazozive kuti ndini. 2016 ndaive Manager pane imwe Hotel huru muHarare umu ndokubva ndasangana naMfu ndozota randiri kumupa. Mfu uyu ndiFounder weimwe Funeral Parlor iri kuSkies but ane mabranches muHarare ende funeral Parlor yake haisi yeMbombera ndeye vanhu vane mari. saka paMwedzi anotraveller from Skies to Harare  
Amai mazowe I’m sorry on behalf of Mazepe he’s just a child forgive him mwana anotadzawo now ndakutomunzwisisawo he need our help me and you ngatibetsere mwana timuyambutse Ashumba hoye Dai ari Wenyu maimurasira aniko Pinda zvako mazepnexFor now she is mother's puppet
😭😭😭Zvakaoma hazvo Mecky atova rombe kuchando akuswera mumba maMai Mazowe achiputa madrugs nekumwa doro chasara kudya mumabin😭😭 Mecky wadii wadzoka hako kumusha tinokuitira konde konde yendege isva wadzoka hako.TESE pano hatina kana mufaro izvezvi inongova misodzi. 😭Mecky woye buda mumba umo usati waparara😭😭😭Ndakazorwadziwa paakaratidza kubatikana zuro pakasenderwa Chipo mari paya,am sure she wished dai yatumirwa vana vake veduwe its not easy kuswera mumba memunhu uchimuka womirira kunzwa program from mother
They say people learn from mistakes, but i don't think it is like that ne Katsi iyi. Dai amboita take it easy abhadhara zvikwereti,chasara kufira mumaoko evanhu. People are not happy out there because you are still owing them.. Dzikama Katsi kujeri unogona kuku dzokera futi.Akambobudireiko Mujeri Taive Ne Peace isu
Zimbabwe has declared a state of emergency in the capital Harare over a cholera outbreak. The outbreak has so far killed dozens of people with more than 7,000 suspected cases. The city authorities say the outbreak, spreading throughout the city, has invoked memories of a deadly outbreak in 2008, in which thousands died.
Zimbabwe’s former Deputy Minister of Finance Terrence Mukupe who was convicted of smuggling fuel was yesterday sentenced to three years six months imprisonment by the High Court. Mukupe was also fined US$12 780 failure to pay will mean the addition of another two year jail term.High Court judge justice Benjamin Chikowero suspended six months on condition of good behaviour meaning Mukupe will serve three years effective jail term. Mukupe is accused of smuggling 138 979 litres of diesel. He was being charged together with Same Kapisoriso, Joseph Taderera and Leonard Mudzuto who were also given similar sentences.In sentencing them Justice Chikowero ruled that the convic
Guys am not safe paimba pasvika vanhu time yandadonha ku live kwa Ketty Masomera we are not safe group revanhu they knock hatina kuvhura now they are walking outside Mecky nkows my adress if anything happens Mai Mazowe it's u can someone keep checking us thank uMai Mazowe munonepa it's not my time kuurayiwa newe hure never ndichakufambai keep challenging me u will never win or have peace in your life guys I will keep this information if anything happens to me I hure rinonzi Mai MazoweMR Mazepe Chishambwe problem yako unoterera makuhwa anoputsa iwewe achivaka vamwe, sometimes we can blame kti hauna kukwana but kuwana chaiko wa
Eve Dadi Mafumo Hauna Moyo,nemarwadziro anoita kushanda Mari R5150 yebhero uchaunza hako kukuregerera asi mbavha hadzidi kunzwirwa tsitsi Hauna Moyo kutondiblocker hazviko,ndakakudembera kakawanda Seiko uri Runner mbavha