Since ane mari hanzi it's surgery mumwe murombo zvinzi ma drugs... Life is not fair. Lady Squanda did a surgery as well Mimwe midzimu iri strong squanda kubva zvaadyisa that guy tsoka life yake yakabva yangotora a drastic change yandisina kunzwisisa
Tsamba kuna mai Killer T🔥🔥🔥Hazvina kana kunaka,unenge wakada Chairman vaine mkadzi wavo,saka wadii kupedzerana na chairman nhai iwe,mkadzi wake qkutadzira chii?
Uyu kungomuvengera mahara zvenyu but anopisa manje🥰🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 one munhu anomiririra zim ladies in all aspects of womanhood🤝 kwete type yakazara ku capetown iya inotitukisa nemasasko🤦🏽I thought all the fool's died... How did you survived?😂😂😂😂Not sure about kutimirira in all aspects bt kana zvikanz kurikudiwa vane zvivakashure zvakati ohh nebody iri nane haa togona kumutumako uyu.
Video ma 1 mupfanha Tyte achiyamwiswa nemvana yake pa video chat kana tazogara vano leakisa ma nudzu please tumiraiwo ari attractive ekuti anokokawo zemo kwete ma pata pata kunge aitsikwa nejombo kudaro Talent vanhu vakamirira Link mhanya nayo 🚴🚴🚴🚴🚴
Hameno zvanzi kune video tytie achiita video calling ne rimwe babe. Babe wacho ane Zamu vanoda vedu mupihwa ini ndichapa first 10 people and delete Aiwa vane mikaka musauye kuinbox handina video 🤣🤣Izvo zvekuzoda kuonekwa kuti munodanana Kumunhu wese muchikanganwa Kuti kunze kune varoi ...ini andina kuona zvaenda kure hangu
Tinovimba makave negore idzva rakanaka. Isu takaritanga ne28 hours dzekusatovata nekuda kwenhau dzakaburwa nabhudhi Baba Ruva. Ndakambenge ndaramwa ini, Sabhuku naMai Gray vakamira Mira chaizvo kuti huyai kwaChivi mutore munhu. Baba Ruva & Mai Ruva decided kuenda kuMberengwa on 26December, ndikapa MaiRuva$20 BUSFARE+Exmas grocery. Baba Ruva takavapa mari yeExmas, Imwe mari takaitumira Sabhuku
CHIEF Makoni has ordered a polygamous man to return a 16-year-old Form Four learner who was surrendered to him by her parents after he had slept with her. Munyangarirwa who is my neighbour slept with my daughter early this year and I discovered it. My daughter eloped to him and stopped going to school. I am in pain because I had paid for her fees and examination fees, but she did not sit for the exams. “My neighbour who already has another wife started abusing my daughter. To further compound the whole situation, Munyangarirwa went on to take a third wife. I reported the matter to this court, and he begged me to have an out of court settlement. &n
MUTASA teenager and her four-months-old niece died after a house they were in was reduced to rubbles by a sawdust landslide yesterday afternoon at Wattle Company’s Nyanga Pine Estate.When The Manica Post visited the scene this afternoon, the house’s rubbles were all covered in burnt sawdust after the landslide following the heavy rains that were received across the province over the past week. All but a two-roomed blair toilet remained. In an interview at the site, Wattle Company managing director, Mrs Victoria Jakazi said the bodies of the late Perpetua Muzingembuya (17) and her niece were retrieved immediately after the house was wiped out by the landslide.Th
Lets all pray for Mai Va Ketty vawanewo peace . I wonder how she feels vachiona vana vavo vachirwa pa social media. I know muma families hamushaikwe ma disputes and family politics but ZVEKWANA KETTY ZVIMBISHI ZVIKUKUTU. NGATINAMATIREI MAI VA KETTY . CHAVAKABATA MAI VAYE NEKU SHINHWA CHIKURU , CHIRI KUITA KUTI VANA VATUNGANE. ZVAKAOMA !!! #HOMWE_iHOMWE👏👏👏Mbuya iye haitodi peace I blv ikutofara soo. Ngatinamatirei zvimwe iyi mhuri ngatiisiyei soooQueen handisi kuona kunoenda nekunobva mhepo yemhuri iyi kunyange ndichazorarama ava vanhu I sarenda hangu
Congratulations baba namai Dzaringananyasha welcome baby boy Dzari 🥳🥳 Mellisa Makwazha and Joseph Madziyire Zimpraise Zvobuda Izvo Vave Nemwana Mukomana Ku UK 🇬🇧 Kwavari