Wednesday, January 15

Yaa Pakaita Evangelica Sandie Raviro Munodawafa Asungwa Nenyaya YaMusarira Zanupf Yeku Lodge Akazokanda Manudzu Ake Pashata

MUTARE social media drama queen — Raviro Munodawafa — who recently hogged the limelight for the wrong reasons when she exposed her married ex-boyfriend after he failed to pitch up for a date at a city lodge has turned out to be a bipolar disorder patient in dire need of help.







MUTARE social media drama queen — Raviro Munodawafa — who recently hogged the limelight for the wrong reasons when she exposed her married ex-boyfriend after he failed to pitch up for a date at a city lodge has turned out to be a bipolar disorder patient in dire need of help.


kind of person involved.








“When we were in a relationship back then, she was a true opposite of what she is now. She was so nice to me, and we separated after she started dating another guy,” he said.







Munodawafa was quick to throw a counter accusation saying Musarira was the one who cheated on her. She had to do revenge cheating to fix him.



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