Gegegege musango ndeme doggy style munochimbidza matizawo veduwee mungabva marara here veduweeThis is wrong though, vanhu vakuru ava, why exposing them?? Ehe vatadza kuitira musango but who are to expose them? Inga wani tese pano hatisi vatsvene kungoti zvenyu hazvina anokubataiIpapa mai vasiya matutsa kumba havawoo vasiya mai chabodo kumba .. coz harisi zera remusango iriTwo consenting adults caught in the heat of the moment utilising their surroundings ,it happens and a lot of you laughing have done much worse,its perfectly natural especially in risky situations 😂😂don't be a hater.People have no longer have respect for others,how can you record this💔kudyira bota musango kuita gudo here
whoever posted these pics is paranoid 🤧 😤