Socialite Thomas Chizhanje is speaking out after Mudiwa Hood blasted him for posting about his ex Lorraine Guyo while she is in love with her new man. Thomas Chizhanje took time to explain his side of the story and apologized to Mudiwa Hood and Lorraine Guyo for the whole drama which his screenshots caused. Watch the video below.
Mudiwa explains that after Mudiwa Hood made the post about him pposting about Lorraine he got angry and send a mesage to Mudiwa Hood. Thomas felt Mudiwa should of gome to his inbox and talked to him rather that putting him on blast on social media. "I have know Mudiwa for 10 years we are frioends why he would make such a post zvakandirwadza and i got mad' said Thomas.
Mudiwa Hood Tells Thomas Chizhanje To Stop Interfering In Lorraine Guy's Relationship
Mudiwa Hood gave some unwanted advice to Thoma Chizhanje telling him to stay away from his ex girlfreinds current relationship. Lorraine Guyo is in love with her current man and in plans of getting married. Thomas Chizhanje posted a photo of himself with lorraine Guyo with the following caption,
'Zvakatora makore akati kuti ndipo pandakatanga kutodiwawo ne mabhebhi.. coz kana ne dama ndanga ndatova naro" this comment was his way to make Lorraine guyos current man jelous and interfere in their relationship. see image below.
Mudiwa Hood was not happy with this comment and posted on his wall a message telling Thoam Chizhanje to stop his nonsense. Mudiwa told Thomas Chizhanje the following mkessag. 'But Thomas this woman has a boyfriend, would you care to respect her and her other guys.. jus an advice bro. Kuita ex wako haifane kuva mhosva bro.."
On seeing this message Thomas Chizhanje was not happy with Mudiwa and went to his inbox and blasted him. Thomas told Mudiwa hood to stay in his lane and not get involved in his business