Friday, March 28

Shashl Onyadzisa Kubatwa Achinyepa Zvake Makore Okuberekwa Zvinoitwa Na Lorain Guyo

Born on 25 December 1996 Shashl akazochinja makore nekuti she is now famous😂 her sisters are Sheri’s Moyo and Terkis Moyo ndikuuya neguhwa remusikana






Unotoshaya kuti munhu anonyeperei makore apa tichingoona kuti pamakore matsenga 😂😂🤣 aah what’s the use nhaiShe thought she was 23 😂 






She actually looked like she’s in her early 30’s to me






Havadi kukura vanhu ava kkkkkkk iyezvi hanz mabrijo ane 19 then Lorain 23 kkkkkkkkkkkk amanaiwe vanhu havasikuda kukura

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