Looks like the love and relationship between acie Lumumba and queen Tatelicious is over. Queen Tatelicious posted screenshots of her conversations with Acie Lumumba.
the Queen posted the following photos and statement
"Take a time off camera Lumumba and take care of your health.
Wapera zvisingaite,hameno kuti ndoti ndicho Chandinacho ichi here kana kuti istress yeEconomy yeZimbabwe.
wako akandimaka because wakambondikwira but be honest with her and tell her wakandinama necondom so its not me ndakakuzadza.Ndingadai ndamuraira kuti akubikire husvusvu hwakadiii but mmmmmm mkadzi wako anesaga redzungu.
Zorora murugare off camera umbodya mbida nema plumpy nut."