Olinda Chapel Deactivated her Facebook account after fans started accusing her of cooking fake chats about amikoko's father wanting to get Stunner for having his daughter dance on Instagram. Olinda Chapel posted screenshots which many fans felt were fake and were just a way to get back at Stunner. See fans commnets below.
Khumalo Dinah I doubt ndeshuwa ... who doesnt know those two vakasiyana kare so why would a normal person send chats ikoko. I like her but apa abhayiza. Mheno vari kuzvi bhilivha. Asi number yake iri mu directory kani??
Fortue Sibo Sikhosana 2 devices plus left hand and right hand kuzvitaipira please then kuzvikandira pasocial media then kuzviundurisa
Rujeko Dorcas Magore Saw them never thought of doing screenshot nhai rega timbotenderera mumastreets haashaike kkkkk
Talente Mupatiki Kkk machats aya mubikirwa gone wrong convo yacho.zvinooneka kuti munhu 1 aizvipindura Olinda ndapa kutenda yaStunner yakamuzipira
Carol Mhofu Young Olinda dzungu rakawandisa. If she’s happy as she claims, why achingopindira nyaya dzaDziva dzisinei naye
Mimms Samuriwo Haas vabhaiza zvavo mai nana. I like her but pane pasina kumaker sense to me
Beverley Fungisayi Adams Abika machats Uyostunner chironda chemumhino
Matshazi Noma Ma screenshot acho aya haana ka that. Akaenda ku government school aya. Ane ka hudofo
Gugu Nyandoro Kana ndakamboona mbodza dzemaChats dzakadaro kaaaa tsiuranai kuUK ikoko pliz
Maromo Maromo Can someone teach me how to cook chats ndo boiler mvura here kana coocking oil pane munhu ari kundinetsa
Tina Mangori Saka Tytan anonzwa sei nhai ex akauya before him achiitwa so
Skai Faň Ndakambozvitaura kuti chero kukatoita thread yeProstate chaiyo..mai vaye vanotouyawo chete kuzoti neyavowo prostate yakadai...if kusada kupfuurwa was a person