Wednesday, March 12

Mwari Haape Zvese Ginimbi Should Stick To Making Money Zvabhakera Zvakaramba

Genius "Ginimbi" Kadungure is a very wealthy man and is loved by many in Zimbabwe for having the nice cars and beautiful house and clothes. As they say mwari haape munhu zvese. From the video below  its easy to see that the game of Boxing is not something Ginimbi was blessed with. From the video Ginimbi misses several punches from his trainer.

If Ginimbi can miss a punch he is ment to hit and located perfect for him. How would he do in a fight with someone trying to dodge his punches. Maybe Ginimbi needs to get Lessons from Sabena Ruwizhi who is not a certified Olympic boxing trainer. Watch the video below Boxing is definately Not Ginimbis thing he must stick to making money.

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