Friday, September 13

Mukomana Afa Ku CCC Uko Kwa Chamisa

Political Reporter- Charismatic opposition politician Nelson Chamisa’s close associate and former Lupane East MP Bright Vanya Moyo has died.

Moyo was elected Member of Parliament for Lupane East in August 2023 and was illegally recalled by Sengezo Tshabangu.







death was announced Friday by former CCC deputy spokesperson Ostallos Gift Siziba Friday on his X account.

The cause of Moyo’s death is yet to be established.







Said Siziba:
I had the privilege of working with him in Lupane as the cluster leader there, witnessing firsthand his tireless work ethic, unwavering dedication, and the immense love he received from the people of Lupane. He was a man of the people. He remained steadfast, solid and true to the ideals we believe in – a true fighter! Rest in peace, bafo; you ran your race, a good fight it was. Until we meet again!

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