Friday, March 28

Mukoma Masimba Challenges Tatelicious naAshumba Nezve 5 Mombe

October 18 2018 is a day many Zimbabwean Social Media fans will never forget. We had Wrestle Mania, Royal Rumble and Summer Slam in one day. Two of the most beloved characters in the Zimbabwean Social Media circles  battled and it was epic. Between thier 2 lives  on facebook they received over 50K  views and Maloves nema Likes I'm sure reached over 200K.

Zimbolivenews does not make the news we just report the news already in the public domain. In our Opion there were no winners in this fight people were entertained that about it, but  we hope our beloved Celebrities will solve thier issues and coexist together.

Justice is never served until Mukoma Masimba does a Go Deeper Session. Watch and comment below what you think of Mukoma Masimbas view on this matter.

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