Joey Malume kuCHIKURUBHI!!!!!!!!!!!!The lawyer and investigator are back with full information after those audios. Mrs Dumfard said the stands are not yet on sale because they are still waiting for approval same with the City Lake stands. They all need to wait for approval before they can start
Selling. SMC, Joey’s women company has no agreement with Dumfard as stated by some people. Those People giving SMC their money is at their own risk because there are no stands for sale at the moment. I think it’s time to get your money back from SMC because currently there are no stands for sale and it’s going to be long before the approval for sale. You can send your own lawyers to investigate if you doubt this.Joey Tanae Countries kana wakazviita uchishandisa mari dzevanhu varikutambura wakatokanganisa, ndozvapinza maiTT pa taiti. Zvino hamutsiudzike munoseemzesa hasha chihera.Kkkk kuchimhanya achidya mari dzema admin fees vanozvidawo vanhu vacho regai vadyirwe why d u continue to give munhu mari muri mu grp ronzi admin only to postNekuchimhanya kwaanotaura kuti anoita paZim, kuti angada zvemaCOS here iyeyu? πβοΈπ π Manje kana akuenda kuchembere ummmmm tokutotya coz anenge ano hustler hard saka maths dzacho hadzibudi