Sunday, March 09

Memory Wekutora Video murmur Wake Achibhaudha Hure Otora Rimwe Video Rehure Rakashama Achiriti Pinda Kenduru Zvionereyi

Memory Wekutora Video murmur Wake Achibhaudha Hure Otora Rimwe Video Rehure Rakashama Achiriti Pinda Kenduru. Nyaya yuanetsa mu Gweru iyi. Memory akabatwa nehasha zvekuti akati hure remurume wake rishame ndokuriti pfekedza kenduri muburi rake.






Nyaya iyi yakandwa kuTwitter zvakaoma veduwe , honai ma pikicha aya nyaya yacho inofanirwa kuenderwa kumapurisa. Asi vanhu havasikuziva kuti hure racho ndiyani. Nekunyara harina kuno repota nyaya yacho.






related story :

Traditional leaders selling State land will be prosecuted and risk jail, the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development has warned as it combats the growing practice by village heads, especially in the communal lands around Harare Metropolitan, to sell off plots.

Already several village heads have been convicted of the crime.

Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Permanent Secretary Professor Obert Jiri said traditional leaders were not allowed to sell State land, and communal land is classified as State land held in trust. They should work hand in glove with local councils.

“Village heads should not sell land, rather it is preserved for families that are in their area. Preserve land for your children, there is no room for selling land to outsiders. Land should be protected for your future generations. Cases of selling land are increasing in rural areas and we do not want this to continue,” he said.

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