Sunday, March 09

Mashura Uyu Avharisa 2024 Tracy Sibanda Arikutsvagwa Nemapurisa Mushure Mekunge Aisa Viagra Mutank Remvura Ye Church Of International DisciplesMusi We All Night Prayer Ye Easter

Mapurisa epa Mzilikazi ari kutsvaka Tracy Sibanda uyo anofungidzirwa kuti ane makore angasvika gumi nemasere (18 years). Tracy anogara pa number B320, Mzilikazi, Bulawayo.







Anofungidzirwa kuti ndiye akaisa mapiritsi anonzi Viagra mujojo tank remvura yeChurch of International Disciples kuThorngrove kuBulawayo munguva yezororo re Easter.Viagra tablets in a jojo tank?






So it means only a limited number of congegates drank the water since most people bring their own, apparently who saw @tracy dropping the tablets and how then was it discovered since getting horny is a secret and limited to a person? Again with the liters of water in jojo i think @tracy had a 10kg full of tablets for them to work effectivelySo u tel us the pastor n other congregants got horney 🤣🤣🤣 Tracy ndenga haumboriwona

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