Sunday, March 09

Maitt Voti Fungai Mutisi Madam Boss Handikukwatei Muri Magoritoto Kuoindura Ndendichitoda Asi Handisi Kuzoita Live Ndine Brand To Protect

Kupindura nekurwa tetichitoda but tozofunga the type of people we now hang out with uye the type of jobs we have uye the type of association otoona kuti rega magoritoto ayite they got nothing to luz.






Imagine losing contracts and loved ones because you want to prove a point . I respect where my bread 🍞 is buttered these days . I shall not stoop low to do a live stream to respond to a person who is hurting because my life is getting much brighter by the day . Evooo kwamatatai mega ana pertunia live








yekukuundurai haiskuzouya but zivai kuti hamutyiwe plus hamuna basa. Chero mukaunganidza MaEx kuti handeyi kuhondo marutsi angu aye zvongoratidza kuti they haven’t moved on . Pandinosvipa inini hakuna anobudirira unoramba uchidzengerera kunge chikwambo chafumurwa pamasowe ☺️

Muve neSvondo yakanaka.








Zvekuunganira kutuka munhu kukokana kut huyayi tituke munhu zvinoitwa nemunhu asina kuenda kuchikoro izvozvo......Never trust a person with gap teeth nhema dzinopoya papassage paye haamusikudziziva,,, I came in peace.. If yu don gerrit then fogerritπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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