Looks like things are not going as planned for comedian Mai TT who has been working in the UK doing care work to raise money to pay off zvikwereti zvema round. Mai TT claims that Tianshe Maphosa stole $30k USD from her house and took it to the USA. Many believe that Mai TT used mai yema round to pay for her failed wedding with Tinashe whi lasted 84 days. Mai TT posted on her Facebook that she was writing a Novel about her live and many people commented that the book should be titled :" I move fast like wifi.
So I’m working on writing a book
My book
My life , my journey
You as my fans who are going to read the book help me with the Tittle?
I got so many tittles in my head
What would you call my book need a tittle that can attract you to buy it before you even open it .
Let’s go , let the best tittle win